The essential journalist news source
Is an abusive ex derailing your child's school admission process? Image
Is an abusive ex derailing your child's school admission process?The first quarter of the year is notoriously busy for school admissions as parents up and down the country vie to get their children in
19 March 24
Cynlluniau ar draws y ddinas i gynyddu ac ailalinio'r ddarpariaeth ar gyfer disgyblion ag Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol Image
Mae cynigion cynhwysfawr i wella a chynyddu darpariaeth Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol yng Nghaerdydd yn cael eu cynnig o fis Medi 2024, yn dilyn dau ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus a ddaeth i ben ym mis Ionawr.
15 March 24
City-wide plans to increase and realign provision for pupils with Additional Learning Needs Image
Comprehensive proposals to enhance and increase Additional Learning Needs provision in Cardiff are proposed from September 2024, following two public consultations which concluded in January.
15 March 24
Y Cyngor yn cyhoeddi polisi diwygiedig ar dderbyn i ysgolion Image
Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi cynnig gwneud newidiadau i'w bolisi derbyn i ysgolion yn dilyn proses ymgynghori gyhoeddus a gynhaliwyd ar drothwy'r flwyddyn.
15 March 24
Council publishes revised school admissions policy Image
Cardiff Council has proposed making changes to its school's admissions policy following a public consultation process carried out at the turn of the year.
15 March 24
Y Cyngor yn addo mynd i'r afael â gwahaniaethu ar sail hil yn y gweithle Image
Cyngor Caerdydd yw’r awdurdod lleol diweddaraf i arwyddo siarter gwrth-hiliaeth UNSAIN.
14 March 24
Council pledges to combat racial discrimination in the workplace Image
Cardiff Council has become the latest local authority to sign up to UNISON’s anti-racism charter.
14 March 24
TSA Spring Conference features legendary line-up, so book ASAP Image
 Spring’s Sequel! TSA Spring Conference returns with legendary line-up With speakers that include broadcast legend John Sergeant, the TSA Spring Conference is back with a bang! 15-16 April 2024
11 March 24
Council agrees its vision for next three years Image
Cardiff Council has agreed its Corporate Plan, outlining the priorities and goals it has set itself for the next three years and beyond.
08 March 24
Mae Ysgol Gynradd Pentre-baen yn helpu i lansio menter fwyd newydd ac ysbrydoledig. Image
Mae Ysgol Gynradd Pentre-baen wedi bod yn cymryd rhan mewn prosiect peilot rhyngwladol sy'n ceisio annog plant i ymgysylltu â chynnyrch lleol a'u helpu i archwilio eu diwylliant a'u treftadaeth bwyd unigryw.
07 March 24
Pentrebane Primary School help launch new and inspiring food initiative. Image
Pentrebane Primary School has been taking part in an international pilot project which looks to engage children with local produce and help them to explore their unique food culture and heritage.
07 March 24
BBC Crimewatch Live yn arddangos dull arloesol Gwasanaethau Ieuenctid Caerdydd o fynd i'r afael â throsedd ymhlith pobl Image
Yr wythnos hon, ymddangosodd James Healan, Prif Swyddog Ieuenctid Caerdydd, ar BBC Crimewatch Live i siarad am yr effaith gadarnhaol y mae menter Realiti Rhithwir arloesol yn ei chael ar bobl ifanc ledled y ddinas.
07 March 24
BBC Crimewatch Live showcases Cardiff Youth Services' innovative approach to tackling crime amongst young people on Image
This week, Cardiff's Principal Youth Officer James Healan has appeared on BBC Crimewatch Live to talk about the positive impact that a trail-blazing Virtual Reality (VR) initiative is having on young people across the city.
07 March 24
Agoriad swyddogol ysgol gynradd iaith dwy ffrwd gyntaf Caerdydd Image
Mae Ysgol Gynradd Groes-wen wedi dathlu ei hagoriad swyddogol yn ystod digwyddiad arbennig ym mhresenoldeb Arweinydd Cyngor Caerdydd, y Cynghorydd Huw Thomas a'r Dirprwy Arweinydd a'r Aelod Cabinet dros Addysg, y Cynghorydd Sarah Merry.
05 March 24
Coventry Special School Makes Strategic Academisation Move Image
A well-known special educational needs school in Coventry has announced its transition to academy status. Baginton Fields School has joined Thrive Education Partnership, a multi-academy trust of special needs schools.
04 March 24
Supporting women in the workplace supporting women Image
International Women's Day 8th March 2024Supporting women in the workplace when supporting women - an Affordable Justice storyWeaving threads of feminist empowermentFinding a job that works around fami
01 March 24