The essential journalist news source
SuperTed – a cherflun nodedig – i ymddangos mewn arddangosfa newydd yng Nghaerdydd Image
SuperTed, yr arwr anwes a grëwyd gan dîm animeiddio yng Nghaerdydd, oedd un o raglenni teledu mwyaf poblogaidd y 1980au ac mae'n parhau i swyno plant heddiw.
22 July 24
ABSORBINE® launches, groundbreaking New Silver Honey® Hygienic Shampoo! Image
 Hello ,  Please find attached and below a press release from Absorbine detailing the launch of their brand-new Silver Honey Shampoo.  This innovative product is a valuable addition to the Silver Hone
24 June 24
Firm family favourite, The Cotswold Show returns in July Image
Press Release - May 2024      THE COTSWOLD SHOW AND FOOD FESTIVAL IS BACK FOR ANOTHER YEAR OF SPECTACULAR ATTRACTIONS AND ACITIVITIES Cirencester Park, Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th July The Cotswold Sh
23 May 24
Darganfyddwch eich Robinson Crusoe mewnol gydag ymweliad ag Ynys Echni Image
Os cawsoch yr awydd erioed i grwydro ynys hardd, mynd nôl i fyd natur a ‘darganfod eich Robinson Crusoe mewnol’ mae cyfle gennych nawr - a hynny gwta bum milltir oddi ar lannau Caerdydd.
17 May 24
Discover your inner Robinson Crusoe with a visit to Flat Holm Image
If you've ever had the urge to explore a beautiful island, get back to nature and discover your inner Robinson Crusoe you now have the chance – and it's just five miles off the coast of Cardiff.
17 May 24
Y Cyngor yn helpu clwb criced y ddinas i oresgyn fandaliaeth a hiliaeth Image
Ddwy flynedd yn ôl, ar ddiwedd tymor llwyddiannus, roedd Clwb Criced Llandaf yn edrych ymlaen at ddyfodol disglair, gan gyflwyno'r gamp i fenywod, bechgyn a merched, yn ogystal â pharhau i ddringo’r tablau cynghrair lleol gyda'i dîm hŷn.
13 May 24
Council helps city cricket club bounce back from vandalism and racism Image
Two years ago, at the end of a successful season, Llandaff Cricket Club was looking forward to a bright future, introducing the sport to women, boys and girls, in addition to continuing its senior teams' rise up the local league tables.
13 May 24
Clwb criced amatur yn datgelu cyfleusterau newydd er budd y gymuned Image
Howzat! Mae un o glybiau criced amatur mwyaf blaenllaw Caerdydd yn dathlu gyda chyfleusterau cymunedol newydd ar ôl gwrthod cael eu maeddu gan fandaliaid a graffiti hiliol.
10 May 24
Amateur cricket club unveils new facilities to benefit community Image
Howzat! One of Cardiff's leading amateur cricket clubs is celebrating with new community facilities after refusing to be stumped by vandals and racist graffiti.
10 May 24
ChickenWired launches wire and moss living sculptures Image
 ChickenWired launches wire and moss living sculptures ChickenWired is launching TopiART, a combination of chicken wire and sphagnum moss, offering amateur and professional gardeners and landscapers a
18 April 24
Launch and invitation to the West Country Women Awards 2024 West Country Women Awards 2024 - launch and invitation
08 April 24
Cymuned Pentwyn yn rhoi barn ar gynlluniau’r ganolfan hamdden Image
Daeth dros 180 o bobl i sesiwn galw heibio ddeuddydd Cyngor Caerdydd yr wythnos diwethaf i archwilio cynlluniau a rhoi eu barn ar waith adnewyddu arfaethedig ac ailagor Canolfan Hamdden Pentwyn.
04 April 24
Pentwyn community gives views on leisure centre plans Image
More than 180 people attended a two-day Cardiff Council drop-in session last week to examine plans and give their views on the proposed refurbishment and re-opening of Pentwyn Leisure Centre.
04 April 24
Let's get the nation planting pants! A new soil health campaign, Plant Your Pants, launches tomorrow alongside new research that reveals disconnect between food and soil among children.Images available here.  PRESS RELEASEEmbargoed until
19 March 24
Kickstart your Spring Clear-Out with Helen Sanderson’s Home Declutter Kit Image
 Kickstart your Spring Clear-Out with Helen Sanderson’s Home Declutter KitAre you looking to plan a thorough clear-out this coming season, but have no idea where to start? You’re not alone. Whether it
13 March 24
Future cricketing star bowled over by new garden wicket Image
Young lad bowled over with garden cricket wicket installationThe cricketing skills of a potential England player can continue to be nurtured and improved thanks to the installation of a back garden pr
12 March 24