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Proposals to expand nursery provision to serve Pentrebane and Fairwater.



The Council is considering proposals that would allow Ysgol Gymraeg Coed-Y-Gof to accommodate nursery-aged children from September 2026.

If approved, the proposals would provide Welsh-medium nursery education for local families, reducing the need for travel elsewhere to alternative schools with nursery classes. The provision would initially offer 16 part-time places, with flexibility for future expansion based on demand, housed within existing school buildings.

Other benefits would include;

  • Promoting continuity in education, supporting a seamless transition from nursery to primary education.
  • Strengthening early parental engagement and support for children's learning.
  • Improve early identification of vulnerable groups and special educational needs.
  • Ensure better alignment between Early Years and Foundation Phase, enhancing learning outcomes.
  • Ensuring Sustainable Growth


Additionally, the proposal would be supported by wrap-around childcare provision in partnership with existing local organisations, including provision on the school's site.

The proposed expansion aligns with Cardiff's Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) and supports the Welsh Government's "Cymraeg 2050" strategy, which aims to achieve one million Welsh speakers by 2050. This initiative forms part of the Council's broader workplan to enhance Welsh-medium education provision, particularly through outcomes 1 and 2 of WESP:

  • Increasing the number of nursery-aged children receiving education in Welsh.
  • Growing the number of Reception-aged children being taught through the medium of Welsh.

Cardiff Council's Cabinet Member for Education, Cllr Sarah Merry said: "The establishment of a nursery class at Ysgol Gymraeg Coed-Y-Gof would make Welsh-medium education more accessible and attract a wider range of families, supporting the school's long-term sustainability and helping to grow its future intakes.

"The expansion would strengthen Welsh-medium education provision in the area, ensuring local access to early years education, and supporting the broader goal of increasing the number of Welsh speakers as set out in WESP."

The Council Cabinet's will be asked to approve a public consultation on the proposal. Feedback from parents, childcare providers, and the local community would then be considered before a final decision is made.

Cardiff Council's Cabinet will meet on Thursday March 20th to consider the recommendations contained in the report, and a webcast of that meeting will be available to watch on the day here:Agenda for Cabinet on Thursday, 20th March, 2025, 2.00 pm : Cardiff Council

Prior to the Cabinet meeting, the report with be scrutinised by the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee when it meets on Tuesday 11thMarch. A recording of that meeting will be available to view here.Agenda for Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee on Tuesday, 11th March, 2025, 4.30 pm : Cardiff Council