The essential journalist news source
International Women's Day Indie Author Panel (free, online, 5/3/24) Image
29 February 24
Cyngor yn cytuno ar ei weledigaeth ar gyfer y tair blynedd nesaf Image
Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi cyhoeddi ei Gynllun Corfforaethol, gan amlinellu'r blaenoriaethau a'r nodau y mae wedi'u gosod i’w hun ar gyfer y tair blynedd nesaf a thu hwnt.
29 February 24
Council agrees its vision for next three years Image
Cardiff Council has published its Corporate Plan, outlining the priorities and goals it has set itself for the next three years and beyond.
29 February 24
Bradford garden centre group shortlisted for national people and culture awards Image
Bradford garden centre group is shortlisted for two national people and culture awards The team at a Bradford-headquartered garden centre group is celebrating after being shortlisted for two national
28 February 24
Ysgol Gynradd 'hynod gynhwysol a chefnogol' Caerdydd yn cael ei chanmol gan Estyn Image
Mae Ysgol Mynydd Bychan, ysgol gynradd cyfrwng Cymraeg yng Nghaerdydd, wedi cael ei chanmol yn ei hadroddiad Estyn diweddaraf am ethos gofalgar a pherthynas waith agos rhwng disgyblion a staff.
27 February 24
‘Highly inclusive and supportive' Cardiff primary school praised by Estyn Image
Ysgol Mynydd Bychan, a Welsh medium primary school in Cardiff, has been praised in its latest Estyn report for a caring ethos and a close working relationship between pupils and staff.
27 February 24
Dadorchuddio portread yn y Plasty o bencampwr manwerthu Caerdydd Image
Am fwy na 150 mlynedd, roedd siop adrannol James Howell ar Heol Eglwys Fair gyfystyr â'r profiad manwerthu gorau y gallai Caerdydd ei gynnig.
26 February 24
Commercial Laundries Want YOU Laundry Open Week 11th to 15th March Image
 Commercial Laundries Want YOU TSA, the European Textile Services Association (ETSA) and other national laundry associations join to promote textile service careers with Laundry Open Week:
26 February 24
Portrait of Cardiff retail legend unveiled in Mansion House Image
For more than 150 years, James Howell’s department store on St Mary Street was synonymous with the best retail experience Cardiff could offer.
26 February 24
Addysg Caerdydd: Strategaeth Gydweithredu a Ffedereiddio Image
Gallai dull newydd o ddarparu addysg yng Nghaerdydd olygu bod mwy o ysgolion yn gweithio gyda'i gilydd drwy drefniadau cydweithredu a ffedereiddio ffurfiol, i ddarparu system addysg hynod effeithiol a chynaliadwy.
23 February 24
Cardiff Education: Collaboration and Federation Strategy Image
A new approach to delivering education in Cardiff could see more schools working together through formal collaboration and federation, to deliver a highly effective and sustainable education system.
23 February 24
Disgyblion Ysgol Gynradd Coed Glas yn paratoi ar gyfer antur wrth ymweld â safle dymchwel yn Nhŷ Glas Image
Mae disgyblion o Ysgol Gynradd Coed Glas yn Llanisien wedi mwynhau cyfle unigryw i ymweld â'r safle dymchwel yn hen adeilad swyddfa CThEF yn Nhŷ Glas.
22 February 24
Coed Glas Primary School Pupils gear up for adventure during demolition site visit at Tŷ Glas Image
Pupils from Coed Glas Primary School in Llanishen have enjoyed a unique opportunity to visit the demolition site at the former HMRC office building at Tŷ Glas.
22 February 24
FEA’s GulfHost package helps UK foodservice equipment companies exhibit Image
 FEA opens gateway to GulfHost’s multi-billion dollar MENA market Support package helps British companies participate in the exhibition’s UK Pavilion   GulfHost is one of the world’s most important f
21 February 24
Ysgol Gynradd yn y Ddinas yn Cael ei Chanmol am 'Amgylchedd Tawel a Hapus' Image
Mae ysgol gynradd dawel, bwrpasol a hapus yng Nghaerdydd wedi cael ei chanmol gan arolygwyr Estyn am ei hamgylchedd dysgu cynhwysol a meithringar lle mae disgyblion yn gwneud cynnydd da.
20 February 24
City Primary School Praised for ‘Calm and Happy Environment' Image
A calm, purposeful and happy primary school in Cardiff has earned praise from Estyn inspectors for its inclusive, nurturing learning environment where pupils make good progress.
20 February 24