Greenhill Special School Achieves Prestigious ‘Championship Status' in Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM)

Greenhill Special School has been awarded the esteemed ‘Championship Status' for the Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM), joining an elite group of only nine institutions nationwide.
Greenhill Special School has been awarded the esteemed ‘Championship Status' for the Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM), joining an elite group of only nine institutions nationwide.
16 August 24
FEA opens nominations for the 2024 Apprentice of the Year

FEA opens nominations for 2024 Apprentice of the Year AwardIs the top foodservice equipment apprentice in YOUR company?
FEA opens nominations for 2024 Apprentice of the Year AwardIs the top foodservice equipment apprentice in YOUR company?
15 August 24
Diwrnod canlyniadau Safon Uwch yng Nghaerdydd 2024

Mae disgyblion ledled Caerdydd wedi derbyn eu canlyniadau Safon Uwch a Safon UG heddiw ac mae'r canlyniadau unwaith eto'n uwch na chyfartaledd Cymru.
Mae disgyblion ledled Caerdydd wedi derbyn eu canlyniadau Safon Uwch a Safon UG heddiw ac mae'r canlyniadau unwaith eto'n uwch na chyfartaledd Cymru.
15 August 24
A-Level results day in Cardiff 2024

Pupils from across Cardiff have received their A-Level and AS Level results today and results are again, above the Welsh average.
Pupils from across Cardiff have received their A-Level and AS Level results today and results are again, above the Welsh average.
15 August 24
Pobl ifanc yn helpu i lunio dyfodol addysg yng Nghaerdydd

Mae grŵp o bobl ifanc, sef Dylanwadwyr Ifanc Caerdydd, yn helpu i lywio buddsoddiadau Caerdydd mewn addysg drwy gyfrannu at yr egwyddorion dylunio ar gyfer ysgolion newydd.
Mae grŵp o bobl ifanc, sef Dylanwadwyr Ifanc Caerdydd, yn helpu i lywio buddsoddiadau Caerdydd mewn addysg drwy gyfrannu at yr egwyddorion dylunio ar gyfer ysgolion newydd.
13 August 24
Young People Help Shape the Future of Education in Cardiff

A group of young people, called Cardiff Young Influencers, are helping to shape Cardiff's investments in education, by contributing to the design principles for new build schools.
A group of young people, called Cardiff Young Influencers, are helping to shape Cardiff's investments in education, by contributing to the design principles for new build schools.
13 August 24
Prydau a gweithgareddau am ddim i'w darparu drwy Raglen Cyfoethogi'r Gwyliau Ysgol arobryn Caerdydd

Bellach yn ei nawfed flwyddyn, mae Bwyd a Hwyl Caerdydd yn dychwelyd eleni, gyda'r nifer uchaf erioed o ysgolion wedi cofrestru i gyflwyno'r rhaglen cyfoethogi'r gwyliau ysgol.
Bellach yn ei nawfed flwyddyn, mae Bwyd a Hwyl Caerdydd yn dychwelyd eleni, gyda'r nifer uchaf erioed o ysgolion wedi cofrestru i gyflwyno'r rhaglen cyfoethogi'r gwyliau ysgol.
06 August 24
Free meals and activities provided through Cardiff's multi-award-winning school holiday enrichment programme

Now in its ninth year, Cardiff's Food and Fun returns this year, with a record number of schools signed up to deliver the holiday enrichment programme.
Now in its ninth year, Cardiff's Food and Fun returns this year, with a record number of schools signed up to deliver the holiday enrichment programme.
06 August 24
Là breith sona dhuit: Williams Refrigeration Scotland at 30

Là breith sona dhuit: Williams Refrigeration Scotland at 30 Providing exceptional service to Scotland for three decades
Là breith sona dhuit: Williams Refrigeration Scotland at 30 Providing exceptional service to Scotland for three decades
05 August 24
Yorkshire garden centre group creates new roles to support growth

Yorkshire garden centre group creates new roles to support growth A Bradford headquartered garden centre group has created three new roles to support growth at its six sites. Yorkshire Garden Centre
Yorkshire garden centre group creates new roles to support growth A Bradford headquartered garden centre group has created three new roles to support growth at its six sites. Yorkshire Garden Centre
05 August 24
BREAKING NEWS: Fifth Diverse Book Awards Longlist Announced

Fifth Diverse Book Awards Longlist Announced PLUS Readers' Choice Award Goes Live! Time to reveal the most diverse & inclusive must-read list of picture, children's, YA and adult fiction books in the UK & Ireland. Nominations have reached a record high.
Fifth Diverse Book Awards Longlist Announced PLUS Readers' Choice Award Goes Live! Time to reveal the most diverse & inclusive must-read list of picture, children's, YA and adult fiction books in the UK & Ireland. Nominations have reached a record high.
30 July 24
Shane Cuthbert is FEM’s new Southern Regional Sales Manager
Shane Cuthbert is FEM’s new Southern Regional Sales Manager Keen sportsman is looking forward to helping the company continue growing sportsman salesrep
24 July 24
SuperTed – a cherflun nodedig – i ymddangos mewn arddangosfa newydd yng Nghaerdydd

SuperTed, yr arwr anwes a grëwyd gan dîm animeiddio yng Nghaerdydd, oedd un o raglenni teledu mwyaf poblogaidd y 1980au ac mae'n parhau i swyno plant heddiw.
SuperTed, yr arwr anwes a grëwyd gan dîm animeiddio yng Nghaerdydd, oedd un o raglenni teledu mwyaf poblogaidd y 1980au ac mae'n parhau i swyno plant heddiw.
22 July 24
SuperTed – and super statue – feature in new Cardiff exhibition

SuperTed, the cuddly superhero created by an animation team in Cardiff, was one of the biggest television hits of the 1980s and continues to delight children today.
SuperTed, the cuddly superhero created by an animation team in Cardiff, was one of the biggest television hits of the 1980s and continues to delight children today.
22 July 24
Grymuso Yfory: Caerdydd sy'n Dda i Blant yn Dathlu Young Changemakers!

Yn ddiweddar, dathlodd Caerdydd sy'n Dda i Blant, mewn partneriaeth â Plan UK, gyflawniadau rhyfeddol y bobl ifanc a wnaeth gais llwyddiannus am gyllid o dan gynllun gweithredu cymdeithasol Young Changemakers.
Yn ddiweddar, dathlodd Caerdydd sy'n Dda i Blant, mewn partneriaeth â Plan UK, gyflawniadau rhyfeddol y bobl ifanc a wnaeth gais llwyddiannus am gyllid o dan gynllun gweithredu cymdeithasol Young Changemakers.
19 July 24
Empowering Tomorrow: Child Friendly Cardiff champions Young Changemakers!

Child Friendly Cardiff, in partnership with Plan UK, has recently celebrated the remarkable achievements of the city's young people who successfully applied for funding under the Young Changemakers social action scheme.
Child Friendly Cardiff, in partnership with Plan UK, has recently celebrated the remarkable achievements of the city's young people who successfully applied for funding under the Young Changemakers social action scheme.
19 July 24