The essential journalist news source
Adnewyddu a gwella cynlluniau darpariaeth ysgolion cynradd yn Cathays a rhannau o Gabalfa, y Mynydd Bychan, Ystum Taf a Image
Bydd adroddiad i Gabinet Cyngor Caerdydd yn argymell bod cynlluniau'n cael eu cymeradwyo i ad-drefnu darpariaeth ysgolion cynradd yn Cathays a rhannau o Gabalfa, Y Mynydd Bychan, Ystum Taf a Phlasnewydd.
11 January 24
Primary school provision in Cathays and parts of Gabalfa, Heath, Llandaff North and Plasnewydd Plans to be renewed and i Image
A report to Cardiff Council's Cabinet will recommend plans are approved to reorganise primary school provision to serve Cathays and parts of Gabalfa, Heath, Llandaff North and Plasnewydd.
11 January 24
FEA launches course to help understand sustainability and carbon emissions Image
 Learning to help the foodservice sector reduce its carbon footprint The FEA launches new industry accreditation to help businesses.
11 January 24
Ysgol Uwchradd Gatholig Mair Ddihalog yn cael cydnabyddiaeth gan Estyn yn ei gweledigaeth i gefnogi canlyniadau disgy Image
Mae Ysgol Uwchradd Gatholig Mair Ddihalog wedi derbyn canmoliaeth uchel yn dilyn arolwg gan Estyn, Arolygiaeth Ei Fawrhydi dros Addysg a Hyfforddiant yng Nghymru.
11 January 24
Mary Immaculate R.C. High School recognised by Estyn for its vision to support pupils' outcomes and commitment to well-b Image
Mary Immaculate R.C. High School has received high praise following an inspection by Estyn, His Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales.
11 January 24
Strategaeth Cyfranogiad Newydd i wella ymgysylltiad y cyhoedd â'r Cyngor Image
Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi cyhoeddi canlyniadau adolygiad cynhwysfawr i sut mae'n ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd ac yn sicrhau bod eu barn yn cael ei hystyried yn y broses o wneud penderfyniadau.
10 January 24
New Participation Strategy to enhance public engagement with Council Image
Cardiff Council has published the results of a comprehensive review into how it engages with the public and ensures their views are taken into account in the decision-making process.
10 January 24
CPD Course Released- Embodied Carbon and Environmental Product Declarations CPD Course Released- Embodied Carbon and Environmental Product DeclarationsEnviroBuild, a pioneering leader in the sustainable construction industry, is pleased to announce the release of its latest C
08 January 24
Christmas 2024 novel - Zero Ri$k by Simon Hayes - can we send you a preview? Image
Zero Ri$k by Simon Hayes is due for release on eBook on 25th May 2024, and the hardback will come out on 1st July with a Christmas in July party scheduled for that month in London that we'd love you to join us for (invites to follow).
28 December 23
Ysgol Gynradd yr Eglwys Newydd yn derbyn cydnabyddiaeth genedlaethol am iechyd a lles Image
Mae Ysgol Gynradd yr Eglwys Newydd yng ngogledd Caerdydd wedi derbyn cydnabyddiaeth genedlaethol am ei gwaith i hyrwyddo iechyd a lles ledled ei chymuned ysgol, ar y safon uchaf bosib.
21 December 23
Whitchurch Primary School receives national recognition for health and wellbeing Image
Whitchurch Primary School in North Cardiff has been awarded national recognition for its work to promote health and wellbeing throughout its school community, at the very highest standard.
21 December 23
Adeiladu perthnasoedd cadarnhaol rhwng pobl ifanc ar draws Caerdydd drwy bêl-droed Image
Mae Caerdydd wedi cynnal ei thwrnamaint pêl-droed rhyng-ieuenctid cyntaf y mis hwn, gan ddod â mwy na 90 o bobl ifanc o glybiau ieuenctid ledled y ddinas at ei gilydd.
20 December 23
Building positive relationships between young people across the Cardiff through football Image
Cardiff has hosted its first inter-youth football tournament this month, bringing together more than 90 young people from youth clubs across the city.
20 December 23
How to prepare for Christmas travel chaos Image
Single Mum is breaking the toilet-talk taboo with the worlds' smallest portable toilet
20 December 23
THE PRAX GROUP SIGNS AN AGREEMENT TO ACQUIRE INTEREST IN PCK SCHWEDT REFINERY The Prax Group has announced that it has signed a Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA) to acquire a 37.5% interest in PCK Schwedt Refinery (“PCK”) and its associated logistic assets from Shell Deutschland GmbH.
15 December 23
Winterhalter announces KP of the Year 2023 Image
 Meet ‘fantastic’ Alex, the 2023 KP of the Year BaxterStorey’s Alex Maphalala tops the hugely competive 2023 awards
14 December 23