The essential journalist news source
Ymgynghoriad Cyhoeddus ar agor nawr ar gynlluniau ledled y ddinas i gynyddu'r ddarpariaeth Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol Image
Gwahoddir aelodau'r cyhoedd i rannu eu barn ar gynigion cynhwysfawr i wella a chynyddu'r ddarpariaeth Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol yng Nghaerdydd a allai olygu y bydd dros 200 o leoedd newydd yn cael eu darparu ledled y ddinas.
23 November 23
Public Consultation now open on City-wide plans to increase Additional Learning Needs provision Image
Members of the public are invited to share their views on comprehensive proposals to enhance and increase Additional Learning Needs provision in Cardiff which could see more than 200 new places provided city-wide.
23 November 23
WHA offers hydration advice for the elderly Image
 Hydration in the elderly matters: WHA offers advice and guidance Encourage older, vulnerable people to drink by having water readily availabl Recent studies have
23 November 23
Datblygiad Ysgol Uwchradd Willows: Dweud eich dweud Image
Mae cynlluniau i adleoli ac ailadeiladu Ysgol Uwchradd Willows ar agor ar gyfer ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus.
21 November 23
Willows High School development: Have your say Image
Plans to relocate and rebuild Willows High School are open for public consultation.
21 November 23
TSA’s passionate pillowcase videos to reduce hotel linen waste Image
 Meet Pasha, the hotel pillowcase who’s passionate about sustainabilityTSA launches simple to understand video guides aimed at reducing lost or damaged linen  
20 November 23
Ymestyn Rhaglen Urddas Mislif Image
Bydd rhaglen Cyngor Caerdydd i hyrwyddo urddas mislif yn cael ei ehangu ymhellach.
15 November 23
Period Dignity programme expanded Image
Cardiff Council's programme to promote period dignity has been further expanded.
15 November 23
Newidiadau cyffrous arfaethedig wrth ddarparu Gwasanaethau Gwaith Ieuenctid yng Nghaerdydd Image
Mae adolygiad eang o sut mae Cyngor Caerdydd yn helpu pobl ifanc drwy waith ieuenctid wedi cynnig amrywiaeth o newidiadau i dimau Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid yr awdurdod.
09 November 23
Exciting changes proposed in provision of Youth Work Services in Cardiff Image
A wide-ranging review of how Cardiff Council helps young people through youth work has proposed a range of changes to the authority’s Youth Service teams.
09 November 23
Jobs and Skills Fair  Dear Sir/Madam,  We hope this email finds you well.   We are writing to share an exciting press release regarding the Jobs and Skills Fair on 10th November, which is being organised in partnership wi
09 November 23
LACA yn cyflwyno dwy Wobr Cymru i Wasanaeth Arlwyo Addysg Caerdydd Image
Mae Gwasanaeth Arlwyo Addysg Cyngor Caerdydd wedi cael ei gydnabod am ei ymroddiad, ei arloesedd a'i gyfraniad rhagorol at y sector arlwyo ysgolion.
09 November 23
LACA serves up two Wales Awards to Cardiff's Education Catering Service Image
Cardiff Council's Education Catering Service have been recognised for its dedication, innovation and outstanding contribution made in the school catering sector.
09 November 23
West Country Women Awards Finalists revealed at Powderham Image
 News release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2nd November 2023 Finalists Announced for West Country Women Awards at Prestigious Powderham Castle Event (With Pictures by Aisling Magill)   The big reveal of this
02 November 23
Ffilm newydd yn amlygu pwysigrwydd y celfyddydau i gymunedau Image
Mae ffilm bwerus newydd sy'n dangos sut mae pobl Caerdydd yn defnyddio'r celfyddydau, addysg a diwylliant i wella amrywiaeth ac annog cynwysoldeb yn y ddinas wedi cael ei lansio ar y rhyngrwyd heddiw.
02 November 23
New film highlights importance of arts to communities Image
A powerful new film demonstrating how the people of Cardiff are using arts, education and culture to improve diversity and encourage inclusivity in the city has been launched on the internet today.
02 November 23