The essential journalist news source
Cardiff Council Update: 21 June 2024 Image
Here is your Friday update, covering: Road closures for the Pride Cymru parade on June 22nd; Travel advice for the Foo Fighters at Principality Stadium; Report highlights commitment to children looked after; Praise for Llysfaen Primary School
21 June 24
Comprehensive Whitepaper provides insight into career advancement A comprehensive whitepaper project on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) reveals fascinating insight into career advancement.
21 June 24
Hull women's advocate awarded MBE EMBARGO TO JUNE 15TH 2024Domestic abuse advocate awarded MBE in recognition of £23 million raised to fund servicesLisa Hilder, founder and director of nonprofit legal firm Affordable Justice, and the
13 June 24
Diweddariad Cyngor Caerdydd: 07 Mehefin 2024 Image
Dyma'ch diweddariad dydd Gwener, sy'n cynnwys: Cyngor teithio ar gyfer cyngerdd Pink yn Stadiwm Principality; Cynlluniau i fynd i'r afael â'r niferoedd isel sy'n cymryd rhan mewn nofio; Cyhoeddi adroddiadau arolygu Ysgol Tredelerch ac Feithrin Grangetown
07 June 24
Cardiff Council Update: 07 June 2024 Image
Here is your Friday update, covering: Travel advice for the Pink concert at the Principality Stadium; Plans to address low numbers taking part in swimming; Inspection reports published for Rumney Primary School and for Grangetown Nursery School
07 June 24
Ribcraft delivers RIB to Banna Rescue, elevating water safety in Kerry, Eire Image
     MEDIA RELEASERibcraft delivers cutting-edge RIB to Banna Rescue, elevating water safety in Tralee Bay, Kerry, EireRibcraft has been selected to provide Banna Rescue with a new 4.8m professional g
05 June 24
Cardiff Council Update: 31 May 2024 Image
Here is your Friday update, covering: Babies Remembrance Service; New consultation to tackle inequality in Cardiff; Estyn recognises Birchgrove Primary's shining stars; A new garden for Cardiff Dogs Home
31 May 24
Diweddariad Cyngor Caerdydd: 31 Mai 2024 Image
Dyma'ch diweddariad dydd Gwener, sy'n cynnwys: Dyma’ch diweddariad dydd Gwener; Gwasanaeth Coffa Babanod; Ymgynghoriad newydd i fynd i'r afael ag anghydraddoldeb yng Nghaerdydd; Estyn yn cydnabod sêr disglair Ysgol Gynradd Birchgrove; Gardd newydd...
31 May 24
Return rate for domestic abuse survivors slashed rom 7 to just 1 Image
 ‘Return rate' for domestic abuse survivors slashed from 7 times to just 1 Lisa Hilder, founder & director, Preston Road Women's CentreA woman who is trapped in an abusive relationship will leave
30 May 24
Diweddariad Cyngor Caerdydd: 28 Mai 2024 Image
Dyma’ch diweddariad dydd Mawrth: Dysgu ymarferol ar safle dymchwel Tŷ Glas; Twf y Gymraeg yng ngweithlu'r Cyngor; Ysgol Uwchradd Cathays yn ennill Debate Mate 2024; Ysgol Uwchradd Woodlands yn ennill cystadleuaeth Esports Minecraft
28 May 24
Cardiff Council Update: 28 May 2024 Image
Here is your Tuesday update: Hands-on learning at Tŷ Glas demolition site; Growth of Welsh language within Council workforce; Debate Mate 2024 win for Cathays High pupils; Woodlands High pupils win Minecraft Esports competition
28 May 24
Cardiff Council Update: 24 May 2024 Image
New Lord Mayor chooses food bank to benefit from her year in office; New plans to address urgent and pressing housing challenges; Clare Gardens to benefit from investment; Cardiff Music Board seeking new members
24 May 24
Diweddariad Cyngor Caerdydd: 24 Mai 2024 Image
Yr Arglwydd Faer Newydd yn dewis banc bwyd i elwa o'i blwyddyn yn y swydd; Cynlluniau newydd i fynd i'r afael â heriau brys a phwysig o ran tai; Gerddi Clare i elwa ar fuddsoddiad; Bwrdd Cerddoriaeth Caerdydd yn chwilio am aelodau newydd
24 May 24
Cyngor yn lansio dogfen ymgynghori newydd i fynd i'r afael ag anghydraddoldeb yng Nghaerdydd Image
Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi cyhoeddi dogfen ymgynghori gynhwysfawr newydd yn amlinellu sut mae'n bwriadu mynd i'r afael ag anghydraddoldeb yn y ddinas dros y pedair blynedd nesaf.
24 May 24
Council launches new consultation document to tackle inequality in Cardiff Image
Cardiff Council has published a comprehensive new consultation document outlining how it plans to tackle inequality in the city over the next four years.
24 May 24
Gerddi Clare i elwa ar fuddsoddiad Image
Bydd gardd gymunedol, ardal ymarfer corff a man cymdeithasol newydd yn cael eu cyflwyno i Erddi Clare yng Nglan-yr-afon, ochr yn ochr â phlannu dolydd, ac amrywiaeth o welliannau eraill.
24 May 24