Mae ehangu Ysgol Mynydd Bychan yn dystiolaeth bellach o ymrwymiad Cyngor Caerdydd i'r Gymraeg

Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi dangos ei ymrwymiad clir tuag at y Gymraeg drwy ehangu ymhellach ei ddarpariaeth ysgolion cynradd cyfrwng Cymraeg sy'n cefnogi targed Llywodraeth Cymru o filiwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050.
Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi dangos ei ymrwymiad clir tuag at y Gymraeg drwy ehangu ymhellach ei ddarpariaeth ysgolion cynradd cyfrwng Cymraeg sy'n cefnogi targed Llywodraeth Cymru o filiwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050.
21 January 25
Expansion of Ysgol Mynydd Bychan is further evidence of Cardiff Council's commitment to the Welsh language

Cardiff Council has demonstrated its clear commitment towards the Welsh Language through further expansion of its Welsh-medium primary school provision which supports the Welsh Government's target of a million of Welsh speakers by 2050.
Cardiff Council has demonstrated its clear commitment towards the Welsh Language through further expansion of its Welsh-medium primary school provision which supports the Welsh Government's target of a million of Welsh speakers by 2050.
21 January 25
Fitzalan High School excels in latest Estyn inspection

Fitzalan High School has received glowing recognition in its most recent inspection conducted by Estyn, the Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales.
Fitzalan High School has received glowing recognition in its most recent inspection conducted by Estyn, the Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales.
16 January 25
Ysgol Uwchradd Fitzalan yn rhagori yn ei harolwg Estyn diweddaraf

Mae Ysgol Uwchradd Fitzalan wedi derbyn cydnabyddiaeth glodfawr yn ei harolwg diweddaraf a gynhaliwyd gan Estyn, yr Arolygiaeth Addysg a Hyfforddiant yng Nghymru.
Mae Ysgol Uwchradd Fitzalan wedi derbyn cydnabyddiaeth glodfawr yn ei harolwg diweddaraf a gynhaliwyd gan Estyn, yr Arolygiaeth Addysg a Hyfforddiant yng Nghymru.
16 January 25
Snowdrop Fair returns to Hole Park

The country might be in the grip of winter but there's a hint of Spring on the horizon as the popular Snowdrop and Spring Plant Fair returns to Hole Park on Sunday 2 February along with an rare chance to see these private gardens in winter.
The country might be in the grip of winter but there's a hint of Spring on the horizon as the popular Snowdrop and Spring Plant Fair returns to Hole Park on Sunday 2 February along with an rare chance to see these private gardens in winter.
14 January 25
Eicon Cerddoriaeth Ed Sheeran yn rhoi hwb i addysg gerddoriaeth ieuenctid lleol gydag ymweliad annisgwyl i lansio sefydl

Syfrdanodd Ed Sheeran bobl ifanc o bedwar sefydliad yng Nghaerdydd pan aeth ar ymweliad gyflym o'r ddinas i lansio ei sefydliad newydd, gan alw yn Ysgol Uwchradd Fitzalan, Canolfan Ieuenctid Eastmoors yn y Sblot, a'r prosiect ieuenctid, Grassroots, yng n
Syfrdanodd Ed Sheeran bobl ifanc o bedwar sefydliad yng Nghaerdydd pan aeth ar ymweliad gyflym o'r ddinas i lansio ei sefydliad newydd, gan alw yn Ysgol Uwchradd Fitzalan, Canolfan Ieuenctid Eastmoors yn y Sblot, a'r prosiect ieuenctid, Grassroots, yng n
10 January 25
Music Icon Ed Sheeran boosts local youth music education with surprise visit to launch new foundation

Ed Sheeran surprised young people from four Cardiff-based organisations when he made a whirlwind tour of the city to launch his new foundation, stopping off at Fitzalan High School, Eastmoors Youth Centre in Splott, and the city-centre youth project Gras
Ed Sheeran surprised young people from four Cardiff-based organisations when he made a whirlwind tour of the city to launch his new foundation, stopping off at Fitzalan High School, Eastmoors Youth Centre in Splott, and the city-centre youth project Gras
10 January 25
Ysgol Gynradd Stacey yn cael adroddiad arolygu cadarnhaol gan Estyn

Mae Ysgol Gynradd Stacey yn Adamsdown, wedi cael ei chanmol am ei hamgylchedd meithringar, ei harweinyddiaeth gref, a'i ffocws ar wella canlyniadau disgyblion yn dilyn ei harolygiad diweddar gan Estyn.
Mae Ysgol Gynradd Stacey yn Adamsdown, wedi cael ei chanmol am ei hamgylchedd meithringar, ei harweinyddiaeth gref, a'i ffocws ar wella canlyniadau disgyblion yn dilyn ei harolygiad diweddar gan Estyn.
09 January 25
Stacey Primary School Receives Positive Estyn Inspection Report

Stacey Primary School in Adamsdown, has been praised for its nurturing environment, strong leadership, and focus on improving pupil outcomes following its recent inspection by Estyn.
Stacey Primary School in Adamsdown, has been praised for its nurturing environment, strong leadership, and focus on improving pupil outcomes following its recent inspection by Estyn.
09 January 25
Cynlluniau adleoli ar gyfer Ysgol Gynradd Lansdowne

Lluniwyd cynigion i adleoli Ysgol Gynradd Lansdowne mewn ymateb i ddirywiad adeiladau'r ysgol.
Lluniwyd cynigion i adleoli Ysgol Gynradd Lansdowne mewn ymateb i ddirywiad adeiladau'r ysgol.
08 January 25
Relocation plans for Lansdowne Primary School

Proposals have been drawn up to relocate Lansdowne Primary School in response to the deterioration of the school buildings.
Proposals have been drawn up to relocate Lansdowne Primary School in response to the deterioration of the school buildings.
08 January 25
Increase in women seeking new year free from abuse!

PRESS INFORMATIONIncrease in women seeking new year free from abuse!A significant spike in enquiries about divorce has once again hit the inbox of Hull based women only family law firm Affordable Just
PRESS INFORMATIONIncrease in women seeking new year free from abuse!A significant spike in enquiries about divorce has once again hit the inbox of Hull based women only family law firm Affordable Just
06 January 25
Ysgol Gynradd Sant Cadog yn derbyn canmoliaeth gan Estyn

Mae Ysgol Gynradd Sant Cadog yn Llanrhymni wedi cael ei chanmol am ei hamgylchedd croesawgar a chynhwysol yn dilyn arolygiad llwyddiannus gan Estyn, Arolygiaeth Addysg Cymru.
Mae Ysgol Gynradd Sant Cadog yn Llanrhymni wedi cael ei chanmol am ei hamgylchedd croesawgar a chynhwysol yn dilyn arolygiad llwyddiannus gan Estyn, Arolygiaeth Addysg Cymru.
31 December 24
St Cadoc's Primary School receives praise from Estyn

St Cadoc's Primary School in Llanrumney has been praised for its welcoming and inclusive environment following a successful inspection by Estyn the Education Inspectorate for Wales.
St Cadoc's Primary School in Llanrumney has been praised for its welcoming and inclusive environment following a successful inspection by Estyn the Education Inspectorate for Wales.
31 December 24
Steam Into The New Year on the Kent& East Sussex Railway

Blow away the cobwebs and welcome in the New Year in steam at the Kent & East Sussex Railway as its smallest engine returns to the rails and joins in the nationwide 'whistle up' to mark the start of Rail 200 - celebrating 200 years of the modern railway.
Blow away the cobwebs and welcome in the New Year in steam at the Kent & East Sussex Railway as its smallest engine returns to the rails and joins in the nationwide 'whistle up' to mark the start of Rail 200 - celebrating 200 years of the modern railway.
20 December 24
Ysgol Gynradd Moorland yn cael ei chanmol gan Estyn

Mae Ysgol Gynradd Moorland yn y Sblot wedi derbyn cydnabyddiaeth gadarnhaol gan Estyn yn ei adroddiad diweddar sy'n tynnu sylw at amgylchedd croesawgar yr ysgol, cefnogaeth gref i ddisgyblion ac ymrwymiad i ddatblygu eu sgiliau ar draws cwricwlwm eang.
Mae Ysgol Gynradd Moorland yn y Sblot wedi derbyn cydnabyddiaeth gadarnhaol gan Estyn yn ei adroddiad diweddar sy'n tynnu sylw at amgylchedd croesawgar yr ysgol, cefnogaeth gref i ddisgyblion ac ymrwymiad i ddatblygu eu sgiliau ar draws cwricwlwm eang.
20 December 24