The essential journalist news source
South Leeds adventure attraction launches schools’ transition packages Image
South Leeds adventure attraction launches schools' transition packages  Following a successful series of Teachers' Days and Drop-Ins, an adventure play attraction in Leeds is launching four packages f
17 June 24
Adroddiad Blynyddol yn Tynnu Sylw at Addewid Caerdydd i Blant sy'n Derbyn Gofal Image
Mae adroddiad a gyhoeddwyd gan Bwyllgor Cynghori Rhianta Corfforaethol y Cyngor yn tynnu sylw at ymroddiad Caerdydd i gynnig y gofal a'r gefnogaeth orau i blant sy'n derbyn gofal a phobl sy'n gadael gofal.
14 June 24
Annual Report Highlights Cardiff's Commitment to Children Looked After Image
A report published by the Council's Corporate Parenting Advisory Committee, highlights Cardiff's dedication to offering the best care and support for the city's children looked after and care leavers.
14 June 24
Hull women's advocate awarded MBE EMBARGO TO JUNE 15TH 2024Domestic abuse advocate awarded MBE in recognition of £23 million raised to fund servicesLisa Hilder, founder and director of nonprofit legal firm Affordable Justice, and the
13 June 24
Ehangu'r ddarpariaeth Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol ledled y ddinas Image
Bydd cynlluniau cynhwysfawr i wella a chynyddu'r ddarpariaeth Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol o fwy na 100 o leoedd swyddogol newydd ledled y ddinas yn dod i rym o fis Medi 2024.
12 June 24
Additional Learning Needs provision to be expanded city-wide Image
Comprehensive plans to enhance and increase Additional Learning Needs provision by more than 100 new formal places city-wide, will take place from September 2024.
12 June 24
Menyw Lolipop yn dathlu 50 mlynedd anhygoel o wasanaeth ymroddedig Image
Bydd Ysgol Gynradd Pentyrch yn dathlu carreg filltir ryfeddol yr wythnos hon, wrth i Hazel Davies ddathlu 50 mlynedd o wasanaeth fel menyw lolipop.
10 June 24
Lollipop Lady celebrates an incredible 50 years of dedicated service Image
Pentyrch Primary School will celebrate a remarkable milestone this week, as Hazel Davies marks 50 years of service as a lollipop lady.
10 June 24
Estyn yn cyhoeddi adroddiad arolygu ar Ysgol Gynradd Tredelerch Image
Yn ystod ymweliad diweddar ag Ysgol Gynradd Tredelerch, mae Estyn, Arolygiaeth Addysg Cymru, wedi canmol ymrwymiad yr ysgol i greu awyrgylch diogel a gofalgar i'w disgyblion, gyda meysydd y mae angen eu gwella yn cael eu nodi i sicrhau bod pob disgybl yn
06 June 24
Estyn publish inspection report on Rumney Primary School Image
During a recent visit to Rumney Primary School, Estyn, the Education Inspectorate for Wales, has commended the school's commitment to creating a safe and caring atmosphere for its pupils, with areas needing improvement being identified to ensure all pupi
06 June 24
Golden Gala celebrates railway's past, present & future Image
Famous locomotive guests, the return of steam favourites and a passenger link with the national rail network were amongst the highlights for the Kent & East Sussex Railway's 50th Anniversary Gala with visitor numbers not seen since before the pandemic.
06 June 24
Ribcraft delivers RIB to Banna Rescue, elevating water safety in Tralee Bay Image
   MEDIA RELEASERibcraft delivers cutting-edge RIB to Banna Rescue, elevating water safety in Tralee Bay, Kerry, EireRibcraft has been selected to provide Banna Rescue with a new 4.8m professional gra
05 June 24
Ysgol Feithrin Grangetown yn Derbyn Gwerthusiad Cadarnhaol gan Estyn Image
Mae Ysgol Feithrin Grangetown wedi derbyn adroddiad disglair gan Estyn, gan dynnu sylw at yr ymrwymiad i gynwysoldeb, addysg o safon, ac ymgysylltu â'r gymuned sy'n digwydd yn narpariaeth y blynyddoedd cynnar.
05 June 24
Grangetown Nursery School Receives Positive Evaluation from Estyn Image
Grangetown Nursery School has received a glowing report from Estyn, highlighting the commitment to inclusivity, quality education, and community engagement taking place at the early years provision.
05 June 24
Cyngor Caerdydd i fynd i'r afael â niferoedd isel o blant yn nofio. Image
Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi datgelu cynlluniau i fynd i'r afael â'r nifer isel o blant sy'n cymryd rhan mewn gwersi nofio mewn ysgolion.
04 June 24
Cardiff Council to address low numbers of children swimming. Image
Cardiff Council has revealed plans to address the low number of children taking part in school swimming lessons.
04 June 24