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Applications for 2025 nursery places now open


Applications for nursery school places are now open and parents with children who turn three between September 1 2024 and August 31 2025, can now apply for a part-time nursery place to start in September 2025.

A group of children paintingDescription automatically generated

English and Welsh medium places are available at one of the 91 nursery classes in 87 schools across the city, including three schools with a dual stream offer. Families are encouraged to apply before the deadline of Monday 24 February 2025, to help their chance of being offered a nursery place of their choice.

To apply for a place in a community school nursery please visit  Nursery school admissions ( Families preferring a nursery class place at a faith-based primary school can apply directly to these schools for admission.

Cardiff's Cabinet Member for Education, Cllr Sarah Merry said: "In Cardiff we have more than 5,000 nursery spaces across the city providing either English and Welsh medium provision. All children aged three to four years are entitled to a part-time nursery place from the start of the term after they have turned three.

"There are plenty of options to choose from and families are encouraged submit their applications on time to help make sure they have the best chance of being offered a preferred nursery class place."

Children with a nursery class place will be required to complete a separate application form for primary school admissions.

Cardiff is served by seventeen Welsh-medium nursery classes throughout the city. Welsh-medium education is available to everyone regardless of whether Welsh is spoken at home, and in Cardiff a range of provision is available to support children with additional languages.

Further information about Welsh-medium education can be found here  Benefits of Welsh-Medium Education (

For help and support in applying for a school place, please visit any  Cardiff Council Hub or library:  Hubs and Libraries (