The essential journalist news source
‘Highly inclusive and supportive' Cardiff primary school praised by Estyn Image
Ysgol Mynydd Bychan, a Welsh medium primary school in Cardiff, has been praised in its latest Estyn report for a caring ethos and a close working relationship between pupils and staff.
27 February 24
Addysg Caerdydd: Strategaeth Gydweithredu a Ffedereiddio Image
Gallai dull newydd o ddarparu addysg yng Nghaerdydd olygu bod mwy o ysgolion yn gweithio gyda'i gilydd drwy drefniadau cydweithredu a ffedereiddio ffurfiol, i ddarparu system addysg hynod effeithiol a chynaliadwy.
23 February 24
Cardiff Education: Collaboration and Federation Strategy Image
A new approach to delivering education in Cardiff could see more schools working together through formal collaboration and federation, to deliver a highly effective and sustainable education system.
23 February 24
Disgyblion Ysgol Gynradd Coed Glas yn paratoi ar gyfer antur wrth ymweld â safle dymchwel yn Nhŷ Glas Image
Mae disgyblion o Ysgol Gynradd Coed Glas yn Llanisien wedi mwynhau cyfle unigryw i ymweld â'r safle dymchwel yn hen adeilad swyddfa CThEF yn Nhŷ Glas.
22 February 24
Coed Glas Primary School Pupils gear up for adventure during demolition site visit at Tŷ Glas Image
Pupils from Coed Glas Primary School in Llanishen have enjoyed a unique opportunity to visit the demolition site at the former HMRC office building at Tŷ Glas.
22 February 24
Charis and Carpetright streamline flooring purchase for social housing Image
Charis and Carpetright streamline flooring purchase for social housingFunds administrator, Charis, has partnered with leading high street flooring retailer, Carpetright, to facilitate the selection an
22 February 24
Ysgol Gynradd yn y Ddinas yn Cael ei Chanmol am 'Amgylchedd Tawel a Hapus' Image
Mae ysgol gynradd dawel, bwrpasol a hapus yng Nghaerdydd wedi cael ei chanmol gan arolygwyr Estyn am ei hamgylchedd dysgu cynhwysol a meithringar lle mae disgyblion yn gwneud cynnydd da.
20 February 24
City Primary School Praised for ‘Calm and Happy Environment' Image
A calm, purposeful and happy primary school in Cardiff has earned praise from Estyn inspectors for its inclusive, nurturing learning environment where pupils make good progress.
20 February 24
Charis Charity Shop Gift Card drives up social value Image
 Charis Charity Shop Gift Card partnership set to drive up social valueCharis has added The Charity Shop Gift Card to its range of digital vouchers available on the Charis Shop platform.  Redeemable i
16 February 24
‘Special things are happening’ as Calthorpe Academy Retains 'Good' Ofsted Rating Image
Calthorpe Academy has retained its 'Good' Ofsted rating following a recent inspection. The school has been recognised for its exceptional commitment to inclusivity and support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
15 February 24
The Future of Education is Emotional: Dr. Holly Brings Cutting-Edge EQ Training Dr. Holly Symons, a leading clinical psychologist and mother, announces the launch of her Raising EQ business in the UK, bringing her expertise in emotional intelligence (EQ) development to families, caregivers, and educational institutions.
13 February 24
Canmoliaeth i Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig y Santes Fair gan Estyn am fod yn gynnes, gofalgar a chynhwysol Image
Mae Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig y Santes Fair yn Nhreganna wedi derbyn canmoliaeth gan Estyn am ei amgylchedd cynnes, gofalgar a chynhwysol.
13 February 24
St Mary's R.C. Primary School praised by Estyn for being warm, caring and inclusive Image
St Mary's R.C. Primary School has received praise from Estyn for its warm, caring, and inclusive environment.
13 February 24
January Divorce Day cost of living trend bucked Image
 Affordable Justice bucks January Divorce Day cost of living trendDespite the cost of living putting a strain on household budgets, January remained a month in which Affordable Justice saw a 25 per ce
12 February 24
ACT FAST! £150 energy grant expires soon! Image
ACT FAST! £150 energy grant expires soon!Thousands of elderly and vulnerable park home residents across England, Scotland and Wales could be missing out on £150 towards their energy bills, as well as
09 February 24
Chwant Llwyddiant: Sesiwn raddio'r Academi Cogyddion Iau yn nodi llwyddiant coginio i ddisgyblion Ysgol Uwchradd Gymune Image
Mae'r Academi Cogyddion Iau, a gyflwynir gan Compass Cymru mewn cydweithrediad â Choleg Caerdydd a'r Fro fel rhan o fenter a arweinir gan Addewid Caerdydd, yn dathlu graddio deg cogydd ifanc addawol o Ysgol Uwchradd Gymunedol Gorllewin Caerdydd.
07 February 24