The essential journalist news source
Yorkshire garden centre group appoints new board member Image
 Yorkshire garden centre group appoints new board member The team at a Bradford-headquartered garden centre group with a site in Scarborough has made a new appointment to its board of directors. Neil
07 March 25
Yorkshire garden centre group appoints new board member Image
 Yorkshire garden centre group appoints new board member The team at a Bradford-headquartered garden centre group with a site in York has made a new appointment to its board of directors. Neil Barwise
07 March 25
Yorkshire garden centre group appoints new board member Image
 Yorkshire garden centre group appoints new board member The team at a Bradford-headquartered garden centre group with sites in West and North Yorkshire has made a new appointment to its board of dire
07 March 25
Darpariaeth Gwasanaethau Ieuenctid newydd yn agor yn Nhrelái a Chaerau Image
Mae canolfan ieuenctid newydd sbon wedi agor yn swyddogol y mis hwn, gan ehangu darpariaeth ieuenctid, cyfleoedd a gwasanaethau cymorth i bobl ifanc yn Nhrelái a Chaerau.
06 March 25
New Youth Services provision opens in Ely and Caerau Image
A brand-new youth centre has officially opened this month, expanding youth provision, opportunities and support services for young people in Ely and Caerau.
06 March 25
Ymrwymiad Caerdydd i Chwarae Plant Image
Mae ymrwymiad Caerdydd i chwarae plant wedi cael ei werthuso fel rhan o Asesiad o Ddigonolrwydd Cyfleoedd Chwarae 2025-28, gofyniad gan Lywodraeth Cymru sy'n gofyn i Awdurdodau Lleol asesu a gwella cyfleoedd chwarae yn eu hardaloedd, bob tair blynedd.
06 March 25
Cardiff's Commitment to Children's Play Image
Cardiff's commitment to children's play has been evaluated as part of the Play Sufficiency Assessment 2025-28, a Welsh Government requirement which asks Local Authorities to assess and enhance play opportunities in their areas, every three years.
06 March 25
Cynigion i ehangu'r ddarpariaeth feithrin i wasanaethu Pentre-baen a'r Tyllgoed. Image
Mae'r Cyngor yn ystyried cynigion a fyddai'n caniatáu i Ysgol Gymraeg Coed-y-Gof ddarparu ar gyfer plant oed meithrin o fis Medi 2026.
06 March 25
Proposals to expand nursery provision to serve Pentrebane and Fairwater. Image
The Council is considering proposals that would allow Ysgol Gymraeg Coed-Y-Gof to accommodate nursery-aged children from September 2026.
06 March 25
Cydnabyddiaeth i Fenter Heddlu Bach yn y Gwobrau Trechu Trosedd Cenedlaethol mawreddog Image
Mae rhaglen arloesol a arweinir gan blant sy'n meithrin perthnasoedd cadarnhaol rhwng pobl ifanc a swyddogion heddlu wedi'i dewis fel un o chwech i gyrraedd y rownd derfynol yng Ngwobrau Trechu Trosedd Cenedlaethol eleni.
28 February 25
Heddlu Bach (Mini Police) initiative recognised in prestigious National Crimebeat Awards Image
A pioneering child-led programme that fosters positive relationships between young people and law enforcement, has been selected as one of the six finalists in this year's National Crimebeat Awards
28 February 25
International Women's Day Author Panel Discussion 2025 Image
International Women's Day Author Panel Discussion 2025 For 2025, the theme of the International Women's Day campaign is Accelerating Action, and in celebration, The Literally Agency ( will host its seventh all-female-led online event.
28 February 25
Reopened Huddersfield garden centre donates plants to local school Image
Reopened Huddersfield garden centre donates plants to local school  The team at a Huddersfield garden centre celebrated the reopening of its site by donating plants to a local primary school. Yorkshir
26 February 25
Yorkshire garden centre group is shortlisted for a people and culture award Image
Yorkshire garden centre group is shortlisted for a national people and culture award The team at a Bradford-headquartered garden centre group is celebrating after being shortlisted for a prestigious n
24 February 25
Caerdydd yn arddangos ymrwymiad i hawl plant i chwarae yn Fforwm Byd-eang Tokyo ar Blant Image
Mae Dirprwy Arweinydd ac Aelod Cabinet dros Addysg Cyngor Caerdydd, y Cynghorydd Sarah Merry, wedi cynrychioli Caerdydd yn y Fforwm Byd-eang ar Blant cyntaf yn Tokyo, gan atgyfnerthu safle'r ddinas fel yr unig un yn y DU i gyflawni statws Dinas sy'n Dda
21 February 25
Cardiff showcases commitment to children's right to play at Tokyo Global Forum on Children Image
Cardiff Council's Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education, Cllr Sarah Merry has represented Cardiff at the inaugural Tokyo Global Forum on Children, reinforcing the city's position as the UK's first and only UNICEF Child Friendly City.
21 February 25