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Uwchgynhadledd Caerdydd Un Blaned i helpu Caerdydd i gyflymu'r daith i net-sero Image
Bydd busnesau a sefydliadau'r trydydd sector o bob rhan o Gaerdydd yn ymgynnull ar gyfer 'Uwchgynhadledd Caerdydd Un Blaned' i helpu i gyflymu taith y ddinas i ddyfodol sero-net.
27 May 23
One Planet Cardiff Summit to help Cardiff accelerate transition to net-zero Image
Businesses and third-sector organisations from across Cardiff are being brought together for a ‘One Planet Cardiff Summit’ to help accelerate the city’s journey to a net-zero future.
27 May 23
Garden Centre to Cut Energy Costs by 75% (with video and pix) Image
Northamptonshire's biggest garden centre energy costs set to drop by more than £40,000 per year thanks to investment in solar photovoltaic (PV) panels.
23 May 23
Mikron Theatre: Two new Shows to visit Leicestershire (Press Release X 2) Image
Mikron Theatre, one of the country's most versatile and unusual touring theatre companies, is delighted to announce that it will be touring Twitchers, Poppy Hollman's brand new play and Amanda Whittington's new play ‘A Force to be Reckoned With'.
22 May 23
Gwirfoddoli yng Nghartref Cŵn Caerdydd yn cael hwb ariannol gan y Loteri Genedlaethol Image
Mae Cartref Cŵn Caerdydd wedi derbyn grant o £95,000 gan y Loteri Genedlaethol i gefnogi ei brosiect gwirfoddoli ffyniannus, sydd ar hyn o bryd â rhwng 30 a 40 o wirfoddolwyr newydd yn cael eu derbyn bob wythnos.
22 May 23
Volunteering at Cardiff Dogs Home gets National Lottery funding boost Image
Cardiff Dogs Home has received a £95,000 grant from the National Lottery to support its thriving volunteer project, which currently sees between 30 and 40 new volunteers inducted each week.
22 May 23
EnviroBuild collaboration with Black Steel Doors at Grand Designs Live London Image
EnviroBuild collaboration with Black Steel Doors on Grand Designs Live London exhibitEnviroBuild is delighted to announce its collaboration with luxury door and window manufacturer Black Steel Doors o
18 May 23
Drive to tackle climate change continues at Southern Co-op Image
As Southern Co-op continues to grow its estate, it's also continuing to reduce its overall carbon footprint with a reduction of 36% in absolute greenhouse gas emissions since 2019.
18 May 23
Mikron Theatre: Two new Shows to visit Derbyshire (Press Release X 2) Image
To celebrate their 51st year of touring, Mikron is thrilled to announce that they will be performing playwright Amanda Whittington's new play ‘A Force to be Reckoned With' and Poppy Hollman's new play 'Twitchers'.
15 May 23
Mikron Theatre: Twitchers! All things birds tour to visit Nottinghamshire Image
Twitchers, Poppy Hollman's brand new play with original live music, celebrating all things birds, birders and the RSPB. Mikron tours the country by historic narrowboat and by road when venues aren't quite close enough to a canal or river.
15 May 23
EnviroBuild decking to feature at the 2023 RHS Chelsea Flower Show Image
EnviroBuild decking to feature at the 2023 RHS Chelsea Flower ShowAward-winning garden designer Lynne Lambourne will make use of EnviroBuild's Explorer decking in her design for garden tools manufactu
15 May 23
Rhandiroedd Caerdydd yn ennill gwobr 'Trawsnewid Cymuned' Image
Mae'r gwaith o drawsnewid safle rhandiroedd yng Nghaerdydd, a oedd wedi'i guddio bron yn llwyr y tu ôl i wal o fieri ddwy flynedd yn ôl ac sydd bellach yn gartref i erddi cychwyn newydd, lleiniau hygyrch, gardd gymunedol, perllan, a llecyn addysg, wedi e
11 May 23
Cardiff allotments win ‘Community Transformation’ award Image
The transformation of a Cardiff allotment site, that two years ago was almost completely hidden behind a wall of brambles and is now home to newly created ‘starter gardens,’ accessible plots, a community garden, orchard, and education space, has won
11 May 23
Mikron Theatre: Twitchers Celebrating all things birds to visit Northamptonshire Image
Twitchers, Poppy Hollman's brand new play with original live music, celebrating all things birds, birders and the RSPB.
09 May 23
Lefelau gwirfoddoli ym Mharciau Caerdydd nôl at yr hyn oedden nhw cyn Covid ac yn 'help mawr' Image
Mae pobl ledled y DU wedi cael eu hannog i ymuno â’r 'Help Llaw Mawr' yr wythnos hon i nodi Coroni Ei Fawrhydi’r Brenin, ond ym mharciau Caerdydd mae gwirfoddolwyr wedi bod yn cynnig 'help llaw mawr' drwy'r flwyddyn - gyda'r nifer o oriau y maen nhw’n eu
09 May 23
Return to pre-Covid levels of volunteering in Cardiff’s Parks a ‘big help’ Image
People across the UK are being asked to join ‘The Big Help Out’ this week to mark His Majesty The King’s Coronation, but in Cardiff’s parks volunteers have been a ‘big help’ all year – with the number of hours they spend working in the city’s green space
09 May 23