The essential journalist news source
Mecanyddion ifanc yn sbardun go iawn mewn depo trafnidiaeth Image
James Jelinski, 23, a Megan Colwill, 24, yw recriwtiaid diweddaraf adran Gwasanaethau Trafnidiaeth Canolog y Cyngor ac maent yn brawf byw o sut mae byd mecaneg modur yn newid.
11 January 24
Young mechanics a real driving force in transport depot Image
James Jelinski, 23, and Megan Colwill, 24, are the latest fresh-faced recruits to the Council’s Central Transport Services department and they are living proof of how the world of motor mechanics is changing.
11 January 24
Adnewyddu a gwella cynlluniau darpariaeth ysgolion cynradd yn Cathays a rhannau o Gabalfa, y Mynydd Bychan, Ystum Taf a Image
Bydd adroddiad i Gabinet Cyngor Caerdydd yn argymell bod cynlluniau'n cael eu cymeradwyo i ad-drefnu darpariaeth ysgolion cynradd yn Cathays a rhannau o Gabalfa, Y Mynydd Bychan, Ystum Taf a Phlasnewydd.
11 January 24
Primary school provision in Cathays and parts of Gabalfa, Heath, Llandaff North and Plasnewydd Plans to be renewed and i Image
A report to Cardiff Council's Cabinet will recommend plans are approved to reorganise primary school provision to serve Cathays and parts of Gabalfa, Heath, Llandaff North and Plasnewydd.
11 January 24
FEA launches course to help understand sustainability and carbon emissions Image
 Learning to help the foodservice sector reduce its carbon footprint The FEA launches new industry accreditation to help businesses.
11 January 24
Ysgol Uwchradd Gatholig Mair Ddihalog yn cael cydnabyddiaeth gan Estyn yn ei gweledigaeth i gefnogi canlyniadau disgy Image
Mae Ysgol Uwchradd Gatholig Mair Ddihalog wedi derbyn canmoliaeth uchel yn dilyn arolwg gan Estyn, Arolygiaeth Ei Fawrhydi dros Addysg a Hyfforddiant yng Nghymru.
11 January 24
Mary Immaculate R.C. High School recognised by Estyn for its vision to support pupils' outcomes and commitment to well-b Image
Mary Immaculate R.C. High School has received high praise following an inspection by Estyn, His Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales.
11 January 24
The Top 3 Property Insurance Claims Image
  Lansdown Insurance Brokers LtdPress ReleaseFor immediate release - 11th January 2024Please Click For images -
11 January 24
Folk rockers Lindisfarne kick off UK tour at North Shields' Exchange Image
‘Tour ‘24' starts at Exchange North Shields this February Veteran folk rockers Lindisfarne take to UK stages again this spring (2024) with a series of dates across the country
11 January 24
Cynnig chwe pharc sglefrio newydd ar gyfer Caerdydd Image
Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi datgelu cynllun i fuddsoddi yn seilwaith parciau sglefrio Caerdydd a allai weld chwe pharc sglefrio newydd yn cael eu hadeiladu erbyn 2032 a nifer o barciau sglefrio presennol yn cael eu troi'n gyfleusterau sglefrio concrit
11 January 24
Six new skateparks proposed for Cardiff Image
A plan to invest in Cardiff’s skatepark infrastructure and which could see six new skateparks built by 2032 and many existing skateparks converted into modern concrete based facilities, has been revealed by Cardiff Council.
11 January 24
Bydd 40 o brosiectau’n derbyn cyllid o dan y Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin Image
Mae cyfanswm o 40 o brosiectau wedi bod yn llwyddiannus yn eu ceisiadau am gyllid drwy'r Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin.
10 January 24
Forty projects set to receive funding under the Shared Prosperity Fund Image
A total of 40 projects have been successful in their bids for funding through the Shared Prosperity Fund.
10 January 24
Gwaith Ailddatblygu Glanfa'r Iwerydd yn Cymryd Cam Ymlaen Image
Cymerodd y cynllun i adfywio Glanfa'r Iwerydd gam arall ymlaen heddiw, gydag adroddiad newydd yn rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y cynnig i ailddatblygu safle Red Dragon sydd – ynghyd â'r arena dan do newydd – yn brosiect allweddol i ysgogi adfywiad cam
10 January 24
Atlantic Wharf Redevelopment Takes a Step Forward Image
The regeneration of Atlantic Wharf took another step forward today, with a new report providing an update on the proposal to redevelop the Red Dragon site which - along with the new indoor arena - is a key project to stimulate the next-phase regeneration
10 January 24
Strategaeth Cyfranogiad Newydd i wella ymgysylltiad y cyhoedd â'r Cyngor Image
Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi cyhoeddi canlyniadau adolygiad cynhwysfawr i sut mae'n ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd ac yn sicrhau bod eu barn yn cael ei hystyried yn y broses o wneud penderfyniadau.
10 January 24