The essential journalist news source
Christmas 2024 novel - Zero Ri$k by Simon Hayes - can we send you a preview? Image
Zero Ri$k by Simon Hayes is due for release on eBook on 25th May 2024, and the hardback will come out on 1st July with a Christmas in July party scheduled for that month in London that we'd love you to join us for (invites to follow).
28 December 23
Diweddariad Cyngor Caerdydd: 22 Rhagfyr 2023 Image
Diweddariad Dydd Gwener, sy'n cynnwys: Streic i effeithio ar rai casgliadau gwastraff yng Nghaerdydd ar ôl y Nadolig; Ysgol Gynradd yr Eglwys Newydd yn derbyn cydnabyddiaeth genedlaethol am iechyd a lles; Adeiladu perthnasoedd cadarnhaol rhwng pobl ifanc
22 December 23
Cardiff Council Update: 22 December 2023 Image
Here is your Friday update, covering: Strike to impact some waste collections in Cardiff after Christmas; Whitchurch Primary School receives national recognition for health and wellbeing; Building positive relationships between young people
22 December 23
Cyngor yn cyhoeddi adroddiad canol tymor ar ei berfformiad Image
Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi cyhoeddi ei arfarniad 'Lles' canol tymor - gan gynnig hunanasesiad cynhwysfawr o'r ffordd y mae wedi perfformio wrth gyflawni amcanion a nodir yn ei gynllun corfforaethol ar gyfer 2023-26.
22 December 23
Council publishes mid-term report on its performance Image
Cardiff Council has published its mid-term ‘Well-Being' appraisal - offering a comprehensive self-assessment of how it has performed in meeting objectives set out in its corporate plan for 2023-26.
22 December 23
Yorkshire garden centre group reaches next level in sustainability training Image
 Yorkshire garden centre group reaches next level in sustainability training The team at a Bradford-based garden centre group has achieved the bronze level of a national sustainability accreditation a
21 December 23
Streic i effeithio ar rai casgliadau gwastraff yng Nghaerdydd ar ôl y Nadolig Image
Mae'n debygol yr effeithir ar rai casgliadau gwastraff yng Nghaerdydd yn syth ar ôl y Nadolig yn dilyn penderfyniad Unite i streicio rhwng dydd Iau, 28 Rhagfyr a dydd Iau, 25 Ionawr.
21 December 23
Strike to impact some waste collections in Cardiff after Christmas Image
Some waste collections in Cardiff are likely to be impacted immediately after Christmas following Unite’s decision to strike between Thursday, December 28, and Thursday, January 25.
21 December 23
Homes Plus delivers festive cheer to families in need this Christmas A housing association has been helping to deliver some festive cheer to families in need this Christmas after donating toys to a community hub at a Staffordshire primary school.
21 December 23
Independent Bedford Funeral Director wins Valuable Prize Draw Image
 SEIB Insurance Brokers - Press ReleaseFor immediate release - 21st December 2023 IMAGE - Please click link - Malcolm Jones Independent Bedford Funeral Director wins Valuable Diamond Anniversary Prize
21 December 23
Ysgol Gynradd yr Eglwys Newydd yn derbyn cydnabyddiaeth genedlaethol am iechyd a lles Image
Mae Ysgol Gynradd yr Eglwys Newydd yng ngogledd Caerdydd wedi derbyn cydnabyddiaeth genedlaethol am ei gwaith i hyrwyddo iechyd a lles ledled ei chymuned ysgol, ar y safon uchaf bosib.
21 December 23
Whitchurch Primary School receives national recognition for health and wellbeing Image
Whitchurch Primary School in North Cardiff has been awarded national recognition for its work to promote health and wellbeing throughout its school community, at the very highest standard.
21 December 23
Adeiladu perthnasoedd cadarnhaol rhwng pobl ifanc ar draws Caerdydd drwy bêl-droed Image
Mae Caerdydd wedi cynnal ei thwrnamaint pêl-droed rhyng-ieuenctid cyntaf y mis hwn, gan ddod â mwy na 90 o bobl ifanc o glybiau ieuenctid ledled y ddinas at ei gilydd.
20 December 23
Building positive relationships between young people across the Cardiff through football Image
Cardiff has hosted its first inter-youth football tournament this month, bringing together more than 90 young people from youth clubs across the city.
20 December 23
Jack Catterall Launches New Self Storage Facility in Adlington Image
Lancashire Business Porterstore Unveils State-of-the-Art Self-Storage Facility in Adlington, Lancashire, with a Celebratory Opening by Local Professional Boxer Jack Catterall Porterstore is excited to
20 December 23
How to prepare for Christmas travel chaos Image
Single Mum is breaking the toilet-talk taboo with the worlds' smallest portable toilet
20 December 23