The essential journalist news source
Cardiff Council unveils latest plans for more cost-effective core office provision Image
Cardiff Council has unveiled plans to replace the aging County Hall with a smaller modern office building.
16 October 24
Swyddfeydd Craidd - Holi ac Ateb Image
Pam mae adeilad Neuadd y Sir newydd yn cael ei ystyried? Beth am adnewyddu adeilad presennol Neuadd y Sir yn hytrach nag adeiladu adeilad newydd? Os yw'r adeilad presennol yn fwy na'r angen, beth am ddefnyddio rhan o Neuadd y Sir bresennol a rhentu'r...
16 October 24
Core Offices Q&A Image
Why is a new County Hall building being considered? Why not refurbish the current County Hall building instead of building a new one? If the current building is bigger than needed, why not use part of the current County Hall and rent out the rest?
16 October 24
Cymorth i drigolion hŷn hawlio Credyd Pensiwn Image
Mae tîm Cyngor ar Arian Cyngor Caerdydd yn annog pobl hŷn yn y ddinas, i wirio a ydyn nhw'n gymwys i hawlio Credyd Pensiwn.
16 October 24
Support for older residents to claim Pension Credit Image
Cardiff Council’s Money Advice team is urging older people in the city, to check if they are eligible to claim Pension Credit.
16 October 24
Ymgynghoriad yn dechrau ar gynllun parcio preswyl newydd ar gyfer Caerdydd Image
Mae ymgynghoriad chwe wythnos ar gynllun parcio newydd ar gyfer y ddinas yn dechrau heddiw ac mae preswylwyr, busnesau a'r rhai sy'n gweithio yng Nghaerdydd yn cael eu hannog i roi eu barn.
16 October 24
Consultation begins on a new residential parking plan for Cardiff Image
A six-week consultation on a new parking plan for the city starts today and residents, businesses and those that work in Cardiff are being encouraged to give their views.
16 October 24
Yorkshire Garden Centres introduces its popular Christmas event to Dean’s York Image
Yorkshire Garden Centres introduces its popular Christmas event to Dean's York  A popular York garden centre is to host its first Christmas event since being acquired by new owners earlier this year. 
16 October 24
H&B Group welcomes Beesley & Fildes Merchant group Beesley & Fildes brings 200 years of history to H&B.
16 October 24
Comic Con returns to Newcastle with a stellar line-up of celeb guests! 16 October 2024COMIC CON RETURNS NEXT WEEKEND TO UTILITA ARENA NEWCASTLE!Stellar line-up of guests confirmed including Paul Wesley (The Vampire Diaries), Alex Kingston (Doctor Who) and many more!
16 October 24
Adroddiad Blynyddol y Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yn tynnu sylw at gynnydd sylweddol yng nghanol heriau parhaus Image
Mae Adroddiad Blynyddol Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cyngor Caerdydd ar gyfer 2023/24 wedi amlinellu cynnydd sylweddol ar draws meysydd allweddol er gwaethaf y galw mawr am wasanaethau a heriau cymhleth drwy gydol y flwyddyn ddiwethaf.
16 October 24
Annual Social Services Report Highlights Significant Progress Amid Ongoing Challenges Image
Cardiff Council's Annual Social Services report 2023/24 has outlined substantial progress across key areas despite facing high demand for services and complex challenges throughout the past year.
16 October 24
North Yorkshire rapeseed oil business launches new Christmas lines Image
North Yorkshire rapeseed oil business launches new Christmas lines The team at Charlie & Ivy's has launched two new seasonal products in response to customer feedback for innovative gifts for food
16 October 24
Hybiau a llyfrgelloedd yn cynnig croeso cynnes unwaith eto Image
Mae mannau Croeso Cynnes ar y ffordd yn ôl yn hybiau a llyfrgelloedd Caerdydd eto eleni i helpu cwsmeriaid sy'n poeni am gostau gwresogi eu cartrefi eu hunain.
15 October 24
Hubs and libraries offer warm welcome once again Image
Warm Welcome spaces are on the way back in Cardiff hubs and libraries again this year to support customers worried about the costs of heating their own homes
15 October 24
Local groups supporting young people invited to apply for holiday f Image
Local organisations and charities which support young people and groups of families facing challenges, are being invited to apply for funding for an unforgettable two-night activity break in a youth hostel in 2025.
15 October 24