The essential journalist news source
Calling all outdoor kitchen features Image
Entertaining could not get any hotter thanks to KönigOutdoor’s range of outdoor kitchens.
20 January 25
Beautiful Bold Elegance from Keller Image
This new, elegant, industrial style kitchen from Keller merges traditional and bold features and hues.
20 January 25
Y newyddion gennym ni - 20/01/25 Image
17/01/25 - Trefnu'r trawsnewid; Cyngor Caerdydd yn Datgelu Strategaeth 5 Mlynedd Uchelgeisiol i Foderneiddio'r Ystâd a Rhoi Hwb o £10m i Dderbyniadau Cyfalaf; Ysgol Uwchradd Fitzalan yn rhagori yn ei harolwg Estyn diweddaraf; ac fwy
20 January 25
News that you might have missed - 20/01/25 Image
Teeing up transformation; Cardiff Council Unveils Ambitious Five-Year Strategy to Modernise Estate and Boost Capital Receipts by £10m; Fitzalan High School excels in latest Estyn inspection; and more
20 January 25
41907 UNDER EMBARGO - 50 Years Schlüter-Schiene From a good idea to a product that has become synonymous with an entire portfolio; Schlüter-SCHIENE celebrates its 50th anniversary. anniversary. When a finishing profile for tile edges is red, the name Schlüter-SCHIENE is mentioned as a matter of course
20 January 25
Thixendale rapeseed oil awarded joint first in a national Best Brands Survey Image
 Thixendale rapeseed oil awarded joint first in a national Best Brands Survey The team at North Yorkshire family business, Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil is celebrating after being placed joint first in the G
19 January 25
Teeing up transformation: Image
Topgolf to drive new era at Cardiff's International Sports Village, while council tackles waterfront and parking upgrades
17 January 25
Trefnu'r trawsnewid: Image
Bydd Topgolf yn sbarduno cyfnod newydd ym Mhentref Chwaraeon Rhyngwladol Caerdydd, tra bo'r cyngor yn mynd i'r afael ag uwchraddio parcio a'r glannau
17 January 25
Y Diweddariad: 17 Ionawr 2025 Image
Dyma’ch diweddariad dydd Gwener: Cam olaf cyflwyno cynllun ailgylchu newydd Caerdydd; Adroddiad Estyn Cadarnhaol i Ysgol Gynradd Stacey; Cynlluniau adleoli ar gyfer Ysgol Gynradd Lansdowne; ac fwy
17 January 25
The Update: 17 January 2025 Image
Here is your Friday update: Final phase of Cardiff's new recycling scheme rollout; Positive Estyn report for Stacey Primary School; Relocation plans for Lansdowne Primary School; Ambitious green development plan to create 32,300 jobs and 26,400 homes
17 January 25
Cyngor Caerdydd yn datgelu strategaeth 5 mlynedd i foderneiddio’r ystâd a rhoi hwb o £10m i dderbyniadau cyfalaf Image
Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi lansio strategaeth eiddo 5 mlynedd newydd feiddgar gyda'r nod o greu portffolio eiddo 'Mannau Effeithlon, Dyfodol Cynaliadwy' erbyn 2030.
17 January 25
Cardiff Council Unveils Ambitious Five-Year Strategy to Modernise Estate and Boost Capital Receipts by £10m Image
Cardiff Council has launched a bold new five-year property strategy aimed at creating ‘Efficient Spaces, Sustainable Futures’ property portfolio by 2030.
17 January 25
Anastasia's Midnight Song Out Today Image
Enter the World of Anastasia's Midnight Song: A Genre-Bending Journey Through Time, Love, and the Surreal St Petersburg, 1917 French Huguenot Anastasia believes working in one of Sinai's mirror factories will allow her to trap the imaginary Arctic Fox...
17 January 25
Thomas Crapper busts bathroom blues Image
Thomas Crapper is all about quality, colour and technical expertise. The iconic brand is well known for cisterns which can be customised with colours and script; and 2024 saw the team introduce complementary coloured furniture portfolios.
17 January 25
41762 Longcliff Haddonstone and Longcliffe - for the best in UK-made high specification stonework Pictured (L to R) is Roshan Thakkar and Nicola Clements of Haddonstone, and Longcliffe's quarry manager Jon Murgatroyd
17 January 25
Hubbard Systems launches Panini Press for perfect paninis and more Image
 Panini Press: irresistible crisp and grill-marked paninis and more Hubbard launches panini grill accessory for FIT range of high speed ovens
16 January 25