The essential journalist news source
York musician makes debut at Yorkshire whisky distillery session Image
York musician makes debut at Yorkshire whisky distillery session A Yorkshire whisky distillery has announced its next Distillery Session artist. Celebrated York singer-songwriter Tom Figgins will make
17 January 24
Disgyblion wedi'u hysbrydoli gan berfformwyr cerddoriaeth Cymraeg mwyaf gwefreiddiol yn perfformio yn eu hysgol Image
Mae'r sîn gerddoriaeth yng Nghaerdydd yn fywiog, gyda'r ddinas yn lleoliad ar gyfer gwyliau cyffrous a llu o leoliadau, stiwdios recordio ac ystafelloedd ymarfer sy'n darparu ar gyfer pob arddull gerddorol – o gerddoriaeth glasurol i jazz, hip hop ac ele
17 January 24
Pupils inspired by hottest Welsh music acts performing at their school Image
The music scene in Cardiff is vibrant, with the city the location for exciting festivals and scores of venues, recording studios and rehearsal rooms catering to every musical style – from classical to jazz, hip-hop and electronica.
17 January 24
Winterhalter offers free advice on glasswashing Image
 Do your glasses sparkle?  If not, why not? Download free guides from Winterhalter, the home of glasswashing commercial gl
17 January 24
Diweddariad Cyngor Caerdydd: 16 Ionawr 2024 Image
Y cynigion diweddaraf ar gyfer darpariaeth ysgolion cynradd yn rhannau o ogledd Caerdydd; Straeon gofalwyr maeth mewn ymgyrch newydd; Rhaglen £1.8m i leihau allyriadau carbon; Strategaeth i wella ymgysylltiad y cyhoedd â'r Cyngor
16 January 24
Cardiff Council Update: 16 January 2024 Image
Latest proposals for primary school provision in parts of north #Cardiff; Foster carer stories in new campaign; A £1.8m programme to reduce our carbon emissions; Strategy to enhance public engagement with the Council
16 January 24
Wallwork: Thermal Processing & Hard Coatings – Stand B200 Southern Manufacturing Image
Wallwork Group highlight new services and thermal processing capacity at Southern Manufacturing 2024
16 January 24
Ysgol Gynradd Trelái yn dathlu arolwg Estyn cadarnhaol yn nodi amgylchedd dysgu tawel a meithringar Image
Mae Ysgol Gynradd Trelái yng Nghaerau wedi derbyn asesiad cadarnhaol gan Estyn, Arolygiaeth Ei Fawrhydi dros Addysg a Hyfforddiant yng Nghymru.
16 January 24
Trelai Primary School celebrates positive evaluation from Estyn, acknowledging a calm and nurturing learning environment Image
Trelai Primary School in Caerau, has received a positive assessment from Estyn, His Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales.
16 January 24
Caerdydd yn sgorio'n uchel mewn arolwg o ansawdd bywyd mewn dinasoedd yn Ewrop Image
Mae Caerdydd wedi sgorio'n uchel mewn arolwg newydd mawr gan yr UE sy'n asesu ansawdd bywyd mewn dinasoedd mawr yn Ewrop - ac mae wedi’i datgan fel y ddinas orau i deuluoedd â phlant ifanc.
16 January 24
Cardiff scores highly in survey of European cities’ quality of life Image
Cardiff has scored highly in a major new EU survey assessing the quality of life in major European cities – and been declared the best of all for families with young children.
16 January 24
Lindisfarne play Yarm’s Princess Alexandra Theatre this February Image
Lindisfarne play Yarm's Princess Alexandra Theatre this FebruaryImage Credit: James HindVeteran folk rockers Lindisfarne take to the stage in Yarm this February with a performance at the Princess Alex
16 January 24
Ysgol Gynradd Severn yn derbyn gwerthusiad cadarnhaol gan Estyn Image
Mae Estyn wedi canmol Ysgol Gynradd Severn yn Nhreganna am ei hymrwymiad i greu amgylchedd diogel, cynhwysol sy'n paratoi disgyblion i gyfrannu'n weithredol mewn cymdeithas.
16 January 24
Severn Primary School Receives positive evaluation from Estyn Image
Severn Primary School in Canton has been commended by Estyn for its commitment to creating a safe, inclusive environment that prepares pupils for active participation in society.
16 January 24
Tour ‘24’ at Yarm’s Princess Alexandra Theatre this February Image
‘Tour ‘24' at Berwick Upon Tweed's The Maltings this February Veteran folk rockers Lindisfarne take to the stage in Berwick Upon Tweed this February with a performance at The Maltings
16 January 24
41458 Perfect panels for 2024 West Fraser - perfect for your panel projects in 2024  It's easy to select the perfect panel for your project with panel samples, interactive product guide and downloadable checklist.
16 January 24