Diweddariad Cyngor Caerdydd: 13 Medi 2024

Dyma'ch diweddariad dydd Gwener, sy'n cynnwys: Caerdydd Gryfach, Tecach, Gwyrddach yn datblygu, ond mae'r heriau'n parhau; Arolygwyr ysgolion yn canfod Ysgol Melin Gruffydd yn 'fywiog a chynhwysol'; Dysgu meithringar The Court yn cael ei ganmol gan Estyn
Dyma'ch diweddariad dydd Gwener, sy'n cynnwys: Caerdydd Gryfach, Tecach, Gwyrddach yn datblygu, ond mae'r heriau'n parhau; Arolygwyr ysgolion yn canfod Ysgol Melin Gruffydd yn 'fywiog a chynhwysol'; Dysgu meithringar The Court yn cael ei ganmol gan Estyn
13 September 24
View this email in your browserSLIDE & OTS WINTER 2025 IS FILLING UP FASTEarly bird booking rate ends Friday 27th September!Over 80 major snowsports and winter outdoor companies have already book
13 September 24
Folk rockers Lindisfarne to play Tavistock this October

Folk rockers Lindisfarne to play Tavistock this October ... Folk rock legends Lindisfarne return to play The Wharf in Tavistock this October.It was back in 1970 that this much-loved
Folk rockers Lindisfarne to play Tavistock this October ... Folk rock legends Lindisfarne return to play The Wharf in Tavistock this October.It was back in 1970 that this much-loved
13 September 24
The LDN Research Trust New Horizons: Celebrating 20 Years
Hi , Hope you're well. Writing to you with a great interview candidate Linda Elsegood, as she releases the book LDN Research Trust New Horizons: Celebrating 20 Years. After suffering from MS, Linda w
13 September 24
Fifth Diverse Book Awards Shortlist Announced Today!

Press release - Embargoed until midday (UK time) on Thursday 12th September 2024 Fifth Diverse Book Awards Shortlist AnnouncedIntroducing the latest, must-read shortlist of diverse & inclusive p
Press release - Embargoed until midday (UK time) on Thursday 12th September 2024 Fifth Diverse Book Awards Shortlist AnnouncedIntroducing the latest, must-read shortlist of diverse & inclusive p
12 September 24
Ysgol Gymraeg Melin Gruffydd; ysgol gynradd fywiog a chynhwysol meddai Estyn

Mae Estyn, Arolygiaeth Addysg Cymru, wedi rhyddhau ei adroddiad arolygu diweddaraf ar Ysgol Gymraeg Melin Gruffydd, ysgol gynradd cyfrwng Cymraeg wedi'i lleoli yn yr Eglwys Newydd.
Mae Estyn, Arolygiaeth Addysg Cymru, wedi rhyddhau ei adroddiad arolygu diweddaraf ar Ysgol Gymraeg Melin Gruffydd, ysgol gynradd cyfrwng Cymraeg wedi'i lleoli yn yr Eglwys Newydd.
12 September 24
Ysgol Gymraeg Melin Gruffydd; a vibrant and inclusive primary school says Estyn

Estyn, the Education Inspectorate for Wales has released its latest inspection report on Ysgol Gymraeg Melin Gruffydd, a Welsh-medium primary school located in Whitchurch.
Estyn, the Education Inspectorate for Wales has released its latest inspection report on Ysgol Gymraeg Melin Gruffydd, a Welsh-medium primary school located in Whitchurch.
12 September 24
Sibling businesses shortlisted for five tourism awards

Sibling businesses shortlisted for five tourism awards The teams at two Yorkshire coast businesses are celebrating after reaching the final in five categories of a prestigious tourism awards competiti
Sibling businesses shortlisted for five tourism awards The teams at two Yorkshire coast businesses are celebrating after reaching the final in five categories of a prestigious tourism awards competiti
11 September 24
Employees at a Driffield poultry business are rewarded for long service

Employees at a Driffield poultry business are rewarded for long service Four employees at a Middleton on the Wolds poultry business were recently rewarded for their long service. Soanes Poultry's pack
Employees at a Driffield poultry business are rewarded for long service Four employees at a Middleton on the Wolds poultry business were recently rewarded for their long service. Soanes Poultry's pack
11 September 24
KönigOutdoor to showcase products at Outdoor Living & Wellness Expo 2024

The KönigOutdoor team is looking forward to showcasing its products for the very first time at the Outdoor Living & Wellness Expo in ExCel, London. Outdoor Living & Wellness Expo is part of this year's FutureScape exhibition.
The KönigOutdoor team is looking forward to showcasing its products for the very first time at the Outdoor Living & Wellness Expo in ExCel, London. Outdoor Living & Wellness Expo is part of this year's FutureScape exhibition.
11 September 24
Ensure your sink area stands out with Caple’s Ember bridge tap

Kitchen specialist, Caple, has made design choices easier with the award-winning* Ember bridge tap. The stunning tap comes with three interchangeable colour options making it customisable on the day of installation to suit your needs.
Kitchen specialist, Caple, has made design choices easier with the award-winning* Ember bridge tap. The stunning tap comes with three interchangeable colour options making it customisable on the day of installation to suit your needs.
11 September 24
The BFA (British Franchise Association) prepares to reveal results of national f

The BFA (British Franchise Association) is set to reveal the results of the first national franchise survey since 2018, at the beginning of October.Founded in 1977 and with a strapline of ‘Discover Yo
The BFA (British Franchise Association) is set to reveal the results of the first national franchise survey since 2018, at the beginning of October.Founded in 1977 and with a strapline of ‘Discover Yo
11 September 24
Graf delivers a belter of a rainwater harvesting tank at historic cricket club
Graf UK rainwater harvesting tank helps to dismiss cricket club's watering woes.
11 September 24
Gift a little Yorkshire this Christmas

Gift a little Yorkshire this Christmas Based on a farm in the heart of the Yorkshire Wolds, Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil creates award-winning artisan oils, dressings and mayos using our own cold-pressed ra
Gift a little Yorkshire this Christmas Based on a farm in the heart of the Yorkshire Wolds, Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil creates award-winning artisan oils, dressings and mayos using our own cold-pressed ra
10 September 24
Press Release | Sky Arts' Andrew Barrowman at Whitewater Contemporary | 28 Sept

PRESS RELEASE10 | 09 | 24As seen on Sky Arts Landscape Painter of the Year 2024 Andrew Barrowman | Featured Artist 28th September to 28th October 2024Andrw Barrowman | Bedruthan Plein AirThis October,
PRESS RELEASE10 | 09 | 24As seen on Sky Arts Landscape Painter of the Year 2024 Andrew Barrowman | Featured Artist 28th September to 28th October 2024Andrw Barrowman | Bedruthan Plein AirThis October,
10 September 24
Adroddiad Estyn yn amlygu llwyddiant Ysgol Arbennig y Court

Mae Ysgol Arbennig y Court yn Llanisien wedi cael ei chanmol gan Estyn, arolygiaeth addysg Cymru, am ei hamgylchedd dysgu meithringar a chynhwysol, gan ganmol staff am eu hymroddiad a'u hymrwymiad i les myfyrwyr.
Mae Ysgol Arbennig y Court yn Llanisien wedi cael ei chanmol gan Estyn, arolygiaeth addysg Cymru, am ei hamgylchedd dysgu meithringar a chynhwysol, gan ganmol staff am eu hymroddiad a'u hymrwymiad i les myfyrwyr.
10 September 24