Diweddariad Cyngor Caerdydd: 08 Hydref 2024

Yn Niweddariad dydd Mawrth: Cwblhau gweddnewid parc yng Nglan-yr-afon; Dathlu carreg filltir yng nghynllun byw yn y gymuned Llaneirwg; Agor cyfleusterau newydd Ysgol Gynradd Moorland; Hwyluso hyd at 100 o wefrwyr trydan newydd yng Nghaerdydd
Yn Niweddariad dydd Mawrth: Cwblhau gweddnewid parc yng Nglan-yr-afon; Dathlu carreg filltir yng nghynllun byw yn y gymuned Llaneirwg; Agor cyfleusterau newydd Ysgol Gynradd Moorland; Hwyluso hyd at 100 o wefrwyr trydan newydd yng Nghaerdydd
08 October 24
Mitchell & Dickinson | Key sponsor at the Green Open Homes event in Bath

Insulation specialist, Mitchell & Dickinson is proud to sponsor the Bath Green Open Homes event. On the 12th and the 13th October, homeowners in Bath will be opening their doors to showcase the energy efficiency measures that they have put in place.
Insulation specialist, Mitchell & Dickinson is proud to sponsor the Bath Green Open Homes event. On the 12th and the 13th October, homeowners in Bath will be opening their doors to showcase the energy efficiency measures that they have put in place.
08 October 24
A Allwn Ni Apelio Atoch Chi?

Ar hyn o bryd mae'r Cyngor yn recriwtio aelodau newydd i ymuno â'i banel Apeliadau Annibynnol Derbyn i Ysgolion.
Ar hyn o bryd mae'r Cyngor yn recriwtio aelodau newydd i ymuno â'i banel Apeliadau Annibynnol Derbyn i Ysgolion.
08 October 24
Can We Appeal To You?

Cardiff Council is currently recruiting new members to join its Independent School Admissions Appeals panel.
Cardiff Council is currently recruiting new members to join its Independent School Admissions Appeals panel.
08 October 24
Datblygiad cartrefi arloesol y dyfodol wedi'i gwblhau

Mae gwaith i drawsnewid hen safle ysgol uwchradd yn nwyrain y ddinas i fod yn lleoliad mwy na 200 o gartrefi newydd i Gaerdydd bellach wedi'i gwblhau.
Mae gwaith i drawsnewid hen safle ysgol uwchradd yn nwyrain y ddinas i fod yn lleoliad mwy na 200 o gartrefi newydd i Gaerdydd bellach wedi'i gwblhau.
08 October 24
Innovative homes of the future development complete

Work to transform a former high school site in the east of the city into more than 200 new homes for Cardiff is now complete.
Work to transform a former high school site in the east of the city into more than 200 new homes for Cardiff is now complete.
08 October 24
EV Charge Point Operators urged to futureproof installs

Operators installing or expanding Electric Vehicle (EV) charging are being urged to futureproof their installations by being capable of providing Autocharge for tomorrow’s EV drivers and also being ready for the future innovation of Plug & Charge.
Operators installing or expanding Electric Vehicle (EV) charging are being urged to futureproof their installations by being capable of providing Autocharge for tomorrow’s EV drivers and also being ready for the future innovation of Plug & Charge.
08 October 24
Custom bucket by Ulrich sets records at The Bristol Port Company
A 6.3m3 High Tip bucket is the star of the show at Avonmouth and Royal Portbury Docks.
08 October 24
Surrey Business Makes Global Impact

PRESS RELEASE - for immediate release Surrey Business Makes Global ImpactAward-winning Book Brilliance Publishing makes an impact as a Business For Good [Surrey, Scotland, United Kingdom; 8th Octobe
PRESS RELEASE - for immediate release Surrey Business Makes Global ImpactAward-winning Book Brilliance Publishing makes an impact as a Business For Good [Surrey, Scotland, United Kingdom; 8th Octobe
08 October 24
OTS 2025: Get Your Products in Front of Buyers - Press Release
The 19th edition of the Outdoor Trade Show (OTS), the UK's only outdoor sports trade show, takes place at Exhibition Centre Liverpool from Tuesday 10th to Thursday 12th June 2025, and exhibition space is selling fast.
08 October 24
Oakdene Hollins strengthens sustainability consulting team with Dr Pelin Yilmaz

PRESS INFORMATIONOakdene Hollins strengthens sustainability consulting team with appointment of Dr Pelin YilmazOakdene Hollins has extended its team of sustainability and circular economy consultants
PRESS INFORMATIONOakdene Hollins strengthens sustainability consulting team with appointment of Dr Pelin YilmazOakdene Hollins has extended its team of sustainability and circular economy consultants
07 October 24
Cyngor Caerdydd i gefnogi gosod hyd at 100 o wefrwyr cerbydau trydan newydd yn ystod y ddwy flynedd nesaf

Gallai hyd at 100 o fannau gwefru cerbydau trydan newydd gael eu gosod gyda chymorth Cyngor Caerdydd dros y ddwy flynedd nesaf.
Gallai hyd at 100 o fannau gwefru cerbydau trydan newydd gael eu gosod gyda chymorth Cyngor Caerdydd dros y ddwy flynedd nesaf.
07 October 24
Cardiff Council to support installation of up to 100 new EV chargers in next two years

Up to 100 new electric vehicle charging points could be installed with Cardiff Council support over the next two years.
Up to 100 new electric vehicle charging points could be installed with Cardiff Council support over the next two years.
07 October 24
Y newyddion gennym ni - 07/10/24

Lovell a Chyngor Caerdydd yn dathlu Gosod y Garreg Gopa i'r bloc o fflatiau cyntaf mewn cynllun byw yn y gymuned yn Llan; Dyfarnu gwobr Sefydliad Sector Cyhoeddus y Flwyddyn i Addewid Caerdydd!; ac fwy
Lovell a Chyngor Caerdydd yn dathlu Gosod y Garreg Gopa i'r bloc o fflatiau cyntaf mewn cynllun byw yn y gymuned yn Llan; Dyfarnu gwobr Sefydliad Sector Cyhoeddus y Flwyddyn i Addewid Caerdydd!; ac fwy
07 October 24
News that you might have missed - 07/10/24

Lovell and Cardiff Council celebrate ‘topping out' of first apartment block at community living scheme in St Mellons; Cardiff Commitment awarded Public Sector Organisation of the Year award!; Riverside park makeover complete; and more
Lovell and Cardiff Council celebrate ‘topping out' of first apartment block at community living scheme in St Mellons; Cardiff Commitment awarded Public Sector Organisation of the Year award!; Riverside park makeover complete; and more
07 October 24
November book: The Thames Path Sketch Journal (World Architecture Day)

Unleash Your Inner Explorer This World Architecture Day 2024! Dive into London's Architectural Treasures with ‘The Thames Path Sketch Journal'! Celebrate World Architecture Day 2024 (October 7)
Unleash Your Inner Explorer This World Architecture Day 2024! Dive into London's Architectural Treasures with ‘The Thames Path Sketch Journal'! Celebrate World Architecture Day 2024 (October 7)
07 October 24