The essential journalist news source
Landlord Caerdydd yn Colli Apêl Ar Ôl Cael Dirwy o £37,000 Image
Mae landlord o Gaerdydd a gafodd ddirwy o £37,000 am droseddau diogelwch difrifol yn ei eiddo rhent yn Broadway, Adamsdown, wedi cael apêl yn erbyn y ddirwy ei wrthod, ac mae bellach yn wynebu bil o ychydig dros £42,521, i'w dalu o fewn chwe mis.
17 October 24
Cardiff Landlord Loses Appeal After Being Fined £37,000 Image
A Cardiff landlord who was fined £37,000 for severe safety violations at his rented property in Broadway, Adamsdown, has had an appeal against the fine rejected, and now faces a bill of just over £42,521, to be paid within six months.
17 October 24
No Pain, No Purpose: In a disruptive world, can we still find purpose?  PRESS RELEASE - for immediate release No Pain, No PurposeIn a disruptive world, can we still find purpose?  [United Kingdom, 18th October 2024] In a world where uncertainty and disruption seem to be
17 October 24
Cardiff Council Update: 16 October 2024 Image
Cardiff Council unveils latest plans for more cost-effective core office provision; Restoration of architectural gem in Cardiff city centre edges closer; New Multi-Storey Car Park set to be built in Cardiff Bay; and more
16 October 24
Diweddariad Cyngor Caerdydd: 16 Hydref 2024 Image
Cyngor Caerdydd yn datgelu'r cynlluniau diweddaraf ar gyfer darparu swyddfeydd craidd mwy cost-effeithiol; Adfer perl bensaernïol yn nghanol dinas Caerdydd yn agosáu; Adeiladu Maes Parcio Aml-lawr newydd ym Mae Caerdydd; ac fwy
16 October 24
Caerdydd Yn Ennill Gwobr O Fri - 'gwobr Aur Lleoedd Bwyd Cynaliadwy' Image
Mae dinas Caerdydd wedi ennill Gwobr Aur Lleoedd Bwyd Cynaliadwy, gan gydnabod llwyddiant ei dull cydgysylltiedig o ddatblygu system fwyd gynaliadwy ac iach.
16 October 24
Cardiff gains coveted accolade as a ‘Gold Sustainable Food Places’ city Image
The city of Cardiff has been granted a Gold Sustainable Food Places Award, recognising the success of its joined-up approach to building a sustainable and healthy food system.
16 October 24
Hybiau a Llyfrgelloedd yn cefnogi gwasanaeth profi STI cymunedol Image
Mae hybiau a llyfrgelloedd ledled Caerdydd yn cefnogi'r gwaith o gynnal gwasanaeth Profi a Phostio GIG Cymru, gan roi mynediad cyflym a hawdd i becynnau hunansamplu ar gyfer heintiau a drosglwyddir yn rhywiol.
16 October 24
Hubs and Libraries support community STI-testing service Image
Hubs and libraries across Cardiff are supporting the delivery of NHS Wales’s Test and Post service, providing quick and easy access to self-sampling kits for sexually-transmitted infections.
16 October 24
Yorkshire Wolds poultry business launches new product Image
Yorkshire Wolds poultry business launches new product The team at a Driffield poultry business has launched a new product to complement its award-winning Yorkshire chicken. Middleton on the Wolds base
16 October 24
Cyngor Caerdydd yn datgelu'r cynlluniau diweddaraf ar gyfer darparu swyddfeydd craidd mwy cost-effeithiol Image
Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi datgelu cynlluniau i newid yr hen Neuadd y Sir am adeilad swyddfeydd modern llai o faint.
16 October 24
Cardiff Council unveils latest plans for more cost-effective core office provision Image
Cardiff Council has unveiled plans to replace the aging County Hall with a smaller modern office building.
16 October 24
Swyddfeydd Craidd - Holi ac Ateb Image
Pam mae adeilad Neuadd y Sir newydd yn cael ei ystyried? Beth am adnewyddu adeilad presennol Neuadd y Sir yn hytrach nag adeiladu adeilad newydd? Os yw'r adeilad presennol yn fwy na'r angen, beth am ddefnyddio rhan o Neuadd y Sir bresennol a rhentu'r...
16 October 24
Core Offices Q&A Image
Why is a new County Hall building being considered? Why not refurbish the current County Hall building instead of building a new one? If the current building is bigger than needed, why not use part of the current County Hall and rent out the rest?
16 October 24
Cymorth i drigolion hŷn hawlio Credyd Pensiwn Image
Mae tîm Cyngor ar Arian Cyngor Caerdydd yn annog pobl hŷn yn y ddinas, i wirio a ydyn nhw'n gymwys i hawlio Credyd Pensiwn.
16 October 24
Support for older residents to claim Pension Credit Image
Cardiff Council’s Money Advice team is urging older people in the city, to check if they are eligible to claim Pension Credit.
16 October 24