The essential journalist news source
LACA serves up two Wales Awards to Cardiff's Education Catering Service Image
Cardiff Council's Education Catering Service have been recognised for its dedication, innovation and outstanding contribution made in the school catering sector.
09 November 23
Cynghorau'n chwilio am bartner datblygu ar gyfer rhaglen tai fforddiadwy o ansawdd uchel Image
Mae partneriaeth gyffrous newydd rhwng Caerdydd a Chyngor Bro Morgannwg yn canolbwyntio ar adeiladu cartrefi fforddiadwy cynaliadwy o ansawdd uchel yn gyflym ar draws y rhanbarth.
09 November 23
Yorkshire whisky wins regional Taste award Image
Yorkshire whisky wins regional Taste award Whisky from Yorkshire's first single malt whisky distillery has won a regional competition. Spirit of Yorkshire's Filey Bay Flagship single malt whisky won t
09 November 23
Councils seek development partner for high quality, affordable homes programme Image
An exciting new partnership between Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan Council is focusing on building high quality, sustainable affordable homes at pace across the region.
09 November 23
South Leeds Garden Centre adds Ice Rink to its list of seasonal attractions Image
South Leeds Garden Centre adds Ice Rink to its list of seasonal attractions A South Leeds garden centre is launching a seasonal ice rink on 18th November. Tingley Garden Centre has added an undercover
08 November 23
'Deialog Agored' disgyblion Caerdydd gyda'r Dirprwy Arweinydd Image
Yn ddiweddar, aeth Dirprwy Arweinydd y Cyngor a'r Aelod Cabinet dros Addysg, y Cynghorydd Sarah Merry, i Ysgol Gynradd yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Dewi Sant ym Mhentwyn i siarad â disgyblion am ddemocratiaeth leol a chlywed eu barn ar faterion sy'n bwysig iddy
08 November 23
Cardiff pupils’ ‘Open Dialogue’ with Deputy Leader Image
Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Education, Cllr Sarah Merry, popped into St David’s Church in Wales Primary School in Pentwyn recently to talk to pupils about local democracy and hear their views on issues that matter to them.
08 November 23
41398 CaberDek Rain, snow, ice? No problem for West Fraser's CaberDek flooring leading the pack for housebuilders   CaberDek can be left exposed and remains BBA approved for up to 42 days without risk of damage
08 November 23
Guest Motor Group Powers into Future with new £4m Eco-Friendly Facility Image
Guest Motor Group Powers into Future with new £4m Eco-Friendly Commercial Vehicle Facility launches in Wolverhampton 
08 November 23
Heat Recovery business founder accepted as a Member of the IOR Image
Heat Recovery business founder accepted as a Member of the Institute of Refrigeration A founding member of an East Yorkshire Heat Recovery business has been accepted as a member of the UK's leading re
08 November 23
Diweddariad Cyngor Caerdydd: 07 Tachwedd 2023 Image
Sul y Cofio - manylion Gwasanaeth Cofio Cenedlaethol Cymru sy'n digwydd ym Mharc Cathays; Bwydlen newydd i Ysgolion Cynradd - dathlu Wythnos Genedlaethol Prydau Ysgol gyda rhywbeth newydd; Wythnos Cyflog Byw
07 November 23
Cardiff Council Update: 07 November 2023 Image
Remembrance Sunday - details of the National Service of Remembrance for Wales taking place in Cathays Park; New menu for Primary Schools - celebrating National School Meals Week with something new; Living Wage Week - Cardiff now has over 210 Living Wage
07 November 23
Gwasanaeth Coffa Cenedlaethol Cymru Image
Bydd defod genedlaethol Sul y Cofio yng Nghymru yn cael ei chynnal ar y cyd rhwng Cyngor Caerdydd, Llywodraeth Cymru ac mewn partneriaeth â'r Lleng Brydeinig Frenhinol, ddydd Sul 12 Tachwedd 2023.
07 November 23
The National Service of Remembrance for Wales Image
Wales' national observance of Remembrance Sunday, which is jointly hosted by Cardiff Council, the Welsh Government and in partnership with The Royal British Legion, will take place in Cardiff on Sunday, 12th November 2023.
07 November 23
Heat Recovery From Refrigeration is part of the net zero strategy Image
Heat Recovery From Refrigeration (HRFR)It's part of the net zero strategy for the Refrigeration and AC sector Nigel Upson, Marketing Director of DK Heat Recovery, talks about the benefits of heat reco
07 November 23
Taylor UK now supplying complete hot food to go package Image
Food to go heats up with Bake & Bites from Taylor UK
07 November 23