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Norfolk school runs Festival of Bees
 Norfolk School’s Festival is the Bees Knees

Bees, art and music for Aldborough’s Festival of Bees

A Norfolk primary school has got well into the festival season by holding one of its own.  But this one was different – it was a Festival of Bees! 

Aldborough Primary School near Aylsham in North Norfolk was the venue for the event, which happened on 11th July.  It featured a mixture of music and art, all created and performed by the pupils at the school.  Sadly, one unpopular festival characteristic raised its head – it rained nonstop!  However, that didn’t stop the children and adults from having a buzzy old time. 

The Festival of Bees was organised by two teachers, Ms Cuthill (Year 2) and Ms Meyrick (Year 1), with support from the Friends of Aldborough School.  Children throughout the school took part, each one creating their own bee-based artwork, mounted on a honeycomb hexagon.  Their masterpieces were displayed around the school and its grounds. 

During the festival, the children performed musical pieces though sadly, due to the weather, these had to be done in the school hall instead of on the ‘stage’ outside.  In addition, there were science-based experiences, including a science bag for every child, and a beekeeper came, with their hive, to give children and adults a hands-on experience of bees – and a taste of Norfolk honey.  Plus, the Friends were very busy serving teas and coffees with strawberries and cream. 

“It was a terrific day with a fabulous turnout, despite the weather,” said Ms Meyrick.  “It’s wonderful to be able to put on this type of activity, mixing learning with fun.  I reckon it’s the bee’s knees.”

Kerianne Bullimore has three children at the school.  “It was a lovely event, based on such a brilliant idea,” she said.  “It was a shame about the weather, but everyone came out anyway and we all had a great time!”

The Festival of Bees raised funds for the Friends of Aldborough School to support educational trips.  

The pictures show, in the outdoor classroom left to right:

Theo Tipple and family, Ettie Grey, Erin Lingwood, Harriet Perry-Warnes, Lottie Goodliffe, Sophie-Rose Freestone.

The handbells photo left to right:

Lila Lewis, Jackson Magee, Autumn Crossley, Finley Smith, Ruaridh Williamson, Lexi Squire.


Aldborough Primary School is in North Norfolk, between Aylsham and Cromer.  Visit for more information. 

Press contacts:

In term time: Mrs D Knight, the office, Aldborough Primary School

01263 761264 /


Alternatively: Tim Morgan, 07947 280137 or