The essential journalist news source
Rhaglen ôl-osod arbedion ynni i arbed arian a lleihau allyriadau carbon Image
Cytunwyd ar gynlluniau i 23 i ddechrau o adeiladau Cyngor Caerdydd elwa o raglen ôl-osod arbedion ynni a fyddai'n arbed arian ac yn lleihau allyriadau carbon wrth i'r awdurdod lleol barhau â’i waith Caerdydd Un Blaned i ddod yn garbon niwtral.
22 January 24
Energy saving retrofit programme to save money and reduce carbon emissions Image
Plans for an initial twenty-three Cardiff Council buildings to benefit from an energy saving retrofit programme that would save money and reduce carbon emissions have been agreed, as the local authority continues its One Planet Cardiff work
22 January 24
HRC News: Falcon’s extended portfolio offers induction for every operator Image
 Induction to the fore for Falcon at HRC Falcon’s extended portfolio offers induction for every operator Excel London Stand H1831 25th-27th March 2024
22 January 24
Gwaith Ailddatblygu Glanfa'r Iwerydd yn Cymryd Cam Ymlaen Image
Cymerodd y cynllun i adfywio Glanfa'r Iwerydd gam arall ymlaen heddiw, gydag adroddiad newydd yn rhoi diweddariad ar y cynnig i ailddatblygu’r safle Red Dragon sydd – ynghyd â'r arena dan do newydd – yn brosiect allweddol i ysgogi cam nesaf adfywiad Bae
22 January 24
Atlantic Wharf Redevelopment Takes a Step Forward Image
The regeneration of Atlantic Wharf took another step forward today, with a new report providing an update on the proposal to redevelop the Red Dragon site which - along with the new indoor arena - is a key project to stimulate the next-phase regeneration
22 January 24
Forty projects set to receive funding under the Shared Prosperity Fund Image
A total of 40 projects have been successful in their bids for funding through the Shared Prosperity Fund.
22 January 24
Deugain o brosiectau i dderbyn cyllid o dan y Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin Image
Mae cyfanswm o 40 o brosiectau wedi bod yn llwyddiannus yn eu ceisiadau am gyllid drwy'r Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin.
22 January 24
FEA invites you to meet the experts at HRC 2024 Image
 FEA invites you to meet the experts at HRC 2024 Advice and insight from around the foodservice industry will be on tap Stand H1318  
22 January 24
Y newyddion gennym ni - 22/01/24 Image
Disgyblion wedi'u hysbrydoli gan berfformwyr cerddoriaeth Cymraeg mwyaf gwefreiddiol yn perfformio yn eu hysgol; Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid Caerdydd yn derbyn cydnabyddiaeth o fri; Gofyn y cyhoedd am farn ar barcio newydd, ac fwy.
22 January 24
News that you might have missed - 22/01/24 Image
Pupils inspired by hottest Welsh music acts performing at their school; Cardiff Youth Service receives prestigious recognition; Public asked for views on new parking plan, and more.
22 January 24
Press Release | Emma Jeffryes - By the Sea | New Craftsman Gallery, April 2024 Press Release22 | 01 | 24 Emma Jeffryes | By the Sea30th March to 26th April 2024Emma Jeffryes | Tea, Tate, TownOn show at New Craftsman Gallery throughout April, this new collection of paintings by S
22 January 24
Gofyn y cyhoedd am farn ar barcio newydd i Gaerdydd Image
Mae ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus chwe wythnos ar gynllun parcio newydd ar y stryd i Gaerdydd wedi’i gymeradwyo a bydd yn cael ei lansio yn gynnar eleni, yn dilyn cyfarfod Cabinet Cyngor Caerdydd ddydd Iau, Ionawr 18fed.
20 January 24
Public asked for views on new parking plan for Cardiff Image
A six-week public consultation on a new on-street parking scheme for Cardiff has been given the go-ahead and will launch early this year, following Cardiff Council’s Cabinet meeting on Thursday, January 18th.
20 January 24
Diweddariad Cyngor Caerdydd: 19 Ionawr 2024 Image
Diweddariad Dydd Gwener, sy’n cynnwys: Caerdydd yn sgorio'n uchel mewn arolwg o ansawdd bywyd mewn dinasoedd yn Ewrop, Disgyblion wedi'u hysbrydoli gan berfformwyr cerddoriaeth Cymraeg mwyaf gwefreiddiol yn perfformio yn eu hysgol,Ysgol Gynradd Severn y
19 January 24
Cardiff Council Update: 19 January 2024 Image
Here is your Friday update, covering: Cardiff scores highly in survey of European cities’, Pupils inspired by hottest Welsh music acts performing at their school, Severn Primary School Receives positive evaluation from Estyn.
19 January 24
Q-Park secure place on the NHS Sustainable Transport and Infrastructure Framewor Image
Q-Park secure place on the NHSSustainable Transport and Infrastructure Framework Q-Park are delighted to announce that they have secured a place on the Sustainable Transport and Infrastructure Framewo
19 January 24