Q-Park renew partnership with B:Music

Q-Park renew partnership with B:Music Q-Park are delighted to announce that they have renewed their partnership with B:Music, the music charity that operates Symphony Hall in Birmingham.Symphony Hall
Q-Park renew partnership with B:Music Q-Park are delighted to announce that they have renewed their partnership with B:Music, the music charity that operates Symphony Hall in Birmingham.Symphony Hall
23 September 24
Graf UK wastewater system helps Stairhill Developments go underground
Graf UK helps Stairhill Developments move from septic tank to SBR technology.
23 September 24
Ceisiadau am Leoedd Uwchradd ar gyfer Medi 2025 yn agor heddiw

Bydd ceisiadau am leoedd uwchradd i ddechrau ym mis Medi 2025 yn agor heddiw (dydd Llun 23 Medi, 2024)
Bydd ceisiadau am leoedd uwchradd i ddechrau ym mis Medi 2025 yn agor heddiw (dydd Llun 23 Medi, 2024)
23 September 24
Secondary School Applications for September 2025 open today

Applications for secondary school places to start in September 2025 open today (Monday 23, September 2024)
Applications for secondary school places to start in September 2025 open today (Monday 23, September 2024)
23 September 24
Teyrnged i Arglwydd Faer Caerdydd, y Cynghorydd Jane Henshaw

Mae Caerdydd yn galaru dros golli ei Harglwydd Faer uchel ei pharch, y Cynghorydd Jane Henshaw, a fu farw’n dawel wedi’i hamgylchynu gan deulu y penwythnos hwn.
Mae Caerdydd yn galaru dros golli ei Harglwydd Faer uchel ei pharch, y Cynghorydd Jane Henshaw, a fu farw’n dawel wedi’i hamgylchynu gan deulu y penwythnos hwn.
23 September 24
Tribute to Cardiff’s Lord Mayor, Cllr Jane Henshaw

Cardiff is mourning the loss of its esteemed Lord Mayor, Cllr Jane Henshaw, who passed away peacefully, surrounded by family this weekend.
Cardiff is mourning the loss of its esteemed Lord Mayor, Cllr Jane Henshaw, who passed away peacefully, surrounded by family this weekend.
23 September 24
Press Release | LUMINOUS Christmas Exhibition, Sanctuary Gallery | Nov & Dec

Press Release 23 | 09 | 24 LuminousA Christmas Exhibition of Exquisite Paintings and Contemporary Craft for Giving 9th No
Press Release 23 | 09 | 24 LuminousA Christmas Exhibition of Exquisite Paintings and Contemporary Craft for Giving 9th No
23 September 24
20 September 24
20 September 24
Cynnig Setliad i Gyngor Caerdydd mewn Anghydfod Treth Dirlenwi gyda CThEF

Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi dod i gytundeb mewn egwyddor gyda CThEF i setlo anghydfod treth yn ymwneud â phridd a deunydd a ddygwyd i hen safle tirlenwi Ffordd Lamby rhwng naw a saith mlynedd yn ôl i gyfuchlinio a chapio'r safle.
Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi dod i gytundeb mewn egwyddor gyda CThEF i setlo anghydfod treth yn ymwneud â phridd a deunydd a ddygwyd i hen safle tirlenwi Ffordd Lamby rhwng naw a saith mlynedd yn ôl i gyfuchlinio a chapio'r safle.
20 September 24
Cardiff Council Offered Settlement in Landfill Tax Dispute with HMRC

Cardiff Council has reached an in-principle agreement with HMRC to settle a tax dispute related to soil and material brought to the former Lamby Way landfill between nine and seven years ago to contour and cap the site.
Cardiff Council has reached an in-principle agreement with HMRC to settle a tax dispute related to soil and material brought to the former Lamby Way landfill between nine and seven years ago to contour and cap the site.
20 September 24
Rhagor o gynlluniau ar gyfer rhagor o gartrefi

Mae cynlluniau ar gyfer 280 o dai cyngor newydd eraill i'r ddinas, i helpu i leddfu'r pwysau tai eithafol sy'n wynebu'r Cyngor, wedi cael eu cyhoeddi heddiw.
Mae cynlluniau ar gyfer 280 o dai cyngor newydd eraill i'r ddinas, i helpu i leddfu'r pwysau tai eithafol sy'n wynebu'r Cyngor, wedi cael eu cyhoeddi heddiw.
20 September 24
More plans for more homes

Plans for another 280 new council homes for the city, to help ease the extreme housing pressures facing the council, have been announced today.
Plans for another 280 new council homes for the city, to help ease the extreme housing pressures facing the council, have been announced today.
20 September 24
Campws Cymunedol y Tyllgoed - Datganiad gan Gyngor Caerdydd

Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi cael gwybod bod ISG Construction Ltd, prif gontractwr prosiect Campws Cymunedol y Tyllgoed, wedi gwneud cais i fynd i ddwylo’r gweinyddwyr.
Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi cael gwybod bod ISG Construction Ltd, prif gontractwr prosiect Campws Cymunedol y Tyllgoed, wedi gwneud cais i fynd i ddwylo’r gweinyddwyr.
20 September 24
Fairwater Community Campus - Statement from Cardiff Council

Cardiff Council has been informed that ISG Construction Ltd, the main contractor for the Fairwater Community Campus project, has filed for administration.
Cardiff Council has been informed that ISG Construction Ltd, the main contractor for the Fairwater Community Campus project, has filed for administration.
20 September 24
£11,200 goes to Redwings to educate and promote Equine Welfare

SEIB Insurance BrokersPress Release - For Immediate Release 20th September 2024Image - Click here - Redwings and SEIBRedwings Horse Sanctuary receives £11,200 to help educate and promote Equine Wel
SEIB Insurance BrokersPress Release - For Immediate Release 20th September 2024Image - Click here - Redwings and SEIBRedwings Horse Sanctuary receives £11,200 to help educate and promote Equine Wel
20 September 24