The essential journalist news source
Winners of first Ink Book Prize revealed in London last night Ink Book Prize Winners of the first Ink Book Prize Revealed in London: Debut, Children's Fiction, Adult Fiction; Non-Fiction #InkBookPrize
20 September 24
Yn fwy grymus, iach a hapus: Cynllun Gweithredu Caerdydd sy'n Dda i Bobl Hŷn 2024-2028 Image
Mae ymrwymiad o'r newydd i wneud Caerdydd yn lle gwych i heneiddio wrth wraidd cynllun gweithredu drafft newydd.
19 September 24
More empowered, healthy and happy: Age Friendly Cardiff Action Plan 2024-2028 Image
A renewed commitment to making Cardiff a great place to grow older is at the heart of a new draft action plan.
19 September 24
Press Release | James Bartholomew at Whitewater Contemporary | December 2024 PRESS RELEASE19 | 09 | 24James Bartholomew RSMA| Featured Artist 7th December 2024 to 5th January 2025James Bartholomew | Big SeaFor Christmas, Whitewater Contemporary presents new work by Lancashire
19 September 24
Canmoliaeth i Ysgol Gynradd Kitchener gan Estyn am ethos cynhwysol a chymuned dysgu gref Image
Mae Ysgol Gynradd Kitchener yn Nhreganna wedi cael ei chanmol gan Estyn am ei hamgylchedd cynhwysol a chroesawgar, sy'n meithrin diwylliant o barch, cyfrifoldeb ac empathi ymhlith ei chorff amrywiol o fyfyrwyr.
19 September 24
Kitchener Primary School applauded by Estyn for inclusive ethos and strong learning community Image
Kitchener Primary School in Canton has been praised by Estyn for its inclusive and welcoming environment, which fosters a culture of respect, responsibility, and empathy among its diverse student body.
19 September 24
Press Release | Suki Wapshott at Whitewater Contemporary | November PRESS RELEASE19 | 09 | 24Suki Wapshott | Featured Artist31st October to 5th December 2024 Suki Wapshott | Shades of WhitewaterThis November, to celebrate the special beauty of North Cornwall in winter
19 September 24
Caple’s Experience days for both retailers and homeowners Image
Caple runs a series of Experience days at both the Bristol and Leeds showrooms, for both consumers and retailers. Created and led by in-house experts, the day is designed to inspire guests with the creativity and innovation of the Caple brand.
19 September 24
FEA industry conference will examine the big issues facing the industry Image
 Discover what the future holds at the FEA industry conference FEA Industry Conference, 20th and 21st November, Leonardo Hotel, Hinckley Island  
19 September 24
Estyn yn cymeradwyo Ffederasiwn yr Enfys am arweinyddiaeth gref a chydweithio effeithiol Image
Mae Ysgolion Cynradd Glan-yr-Afon a Bryn Hafod yn Llanrhymni wedi cael eu canmol gan Estyn am eu harweinyddiaeth gref, eu cydweithio effeithiol, a'u heffaith gadarnhaol ar les a dysgu disgyblion drwy bartneriaeth Ffederasiwn yr Enfys.
19 September 24
The Rainbow Federation commended by Estyn for strong leadership and effective collaboration Image
Glan-Yr-Afon and Bryn Hafod Primary Schools in Llanrumney, have been commended by Estyn for their strong leadership, effective collaboration, and positive impact on pupil well-being and learning across through partnership under the Rainbow Federation.
19 September 24
Pino Palladino (a chyfeillion) i chwarae yng Ngŵyl Dinas Gerdd Caerdydd Image
Mae Pino Palladino, un o chwaraewyr bas enwocaf y byd, wedi perfformio ar dros 1,000 o recordiadau gan artistiaid yn cynnwys Adele, The Who, D'Angelo, Ed Sheeran, Nine Inch Nails, Eric Clapton, Gary Numan, B.B. King, Bryan Ferry ac eraill.
18 September 24
Pino Palladino (and friends) to play Cardiff Music City Festival Image
One of the world’s most celebrated bass players, Pino Palladino has graced more than 1,000 recordings by artists including Adele, the Who, D’Angelo, Ed Sheeran, Nine Inch Nails, Eric Clapton, Gary Numan, B.B. King, Bryan Ferry and more.
18 September 24
Former YouGov Chief, Sundip Chahal, joins Milieu Insight as new CEO to drive glo Image
 For immediate release:18 September 2024Singapore Former YouGov Chief, Sundip Chahal, joins Milieu Insight as new CEO to drive global expansion; Gerald Ang to spearhead innovationMilieu Insight, an aw
18 September 24
QM RECYCLED ENERGY UNVEILS NEW HQ IN KENT                       PRESS INFORMATION  QM RECYCLED ENERGY UNVEILS NEW HQ IN KENTQM Recycled Energy (QMRE) has taken over new premises to function jointly as an HQ for all nationwide operations and a
18 September 24
Secondary glazing was the perfect solution for this Victorian home Image
Mitchell & Dickinson has provided solutions to many listed properties in the UK looking to have a warmer home.
18 September 24