The essential journalist news source
News that you might have missed - 13/11/23 Image
🗞️The news from us that you might have missed ➡️ The National Service of Remembrance for Wales ➡️ Cardiff pupils’ ‘Open Dialogue’ with Deputy Leader ➡️ Cardiff wins City of the Year Award, and more
13 November 23
Mae Ceisiadau Ysgolion Cynradd ar agor nawr Image
Mae ceisiadau am leoedd mewn ysgolion cynradd i ddechrau ym mis Medi 2024 ar agor nawr ac mae rhieni'n cael eu hannog i ddefnyddio pob un o'u pum dewis am y cyfle gorau i gael lle mewn ysgol sydd wedi'i dewis ganddyn nhw.
13 November 23
Primary School Applications now open Image
Applications for primary school places to start in September 2024 are now open and parents are encouraged to make use of all five preferences to get the best chance of securing a school they want.
13 November 23
Cardiff Council Update: 10 November 2023 Image
Cardiff has been crowned City of the Year at the annual EG Awards; Exciting changes proposed in provision of Youth Work Services in Cardiff; Councils seek development partner for high quality, affordable homes programme
10 November 23
Diweddariad Cyngor Caerdydd: 10 Tachwedd 2023 Image
Mae Caerdydd wedi ei choroni'n 'Ddinas y Flwyddyn' yng Ngwobrau blynyddol EG; Newidiadau cyffrous arfaethedig wrth ddarparu Gwasanaethau Gwaith Ieuenctid yng Nghaerdydd; Cynghorau'n chwilio am bartner datblygu ar gyfer rhaglen tai fforddiadwy
10 November 23
Are Scottish park home residents missing out on £150 energy payments? Image
 £150 energy payments are going unclaimedA slow down in applications for the Park Homes Warm Home Discount scheme in Scotland has prompted scheme administrator Charis to reach out to residents and rem
10 November 23
Caerdydd yn ennill Gwobr Dinas y Flwyddyn Image
Mae Caerdydd wedi ei choroni’n 'Ddinas y Flwyddyn' yng Ngwobrau blynyddol EG, 2023.
10 November 23
Cardiff wins City of the Year Award Image
Cardiff has been crowned ‘City of the Year’ at the annual EG Awards, 2023.
10 November 23
Bradford Garden Centre Group Wins National Sustainable Catering Award Image
Bradford Garden Centre Group Wins National Sustainable Catering Award The team at a Bradford-based garden centre group is celebrating after winning the Sustainability award in a national competition. 
10 November 23
North Yorkshire family farming business wins regional Taste award Image
North Yorkshire family farming business wins regional Taste award The team at a Pickering farm shop and café is celebrating after winning a prestigious regional food and drink award for the fourth tim
09 November 23
Newidiadau cyffrous arfaethedig wrth ddarparu Gwasanaethau Gwaith Ieuenctid yng Nghaerdydd Image
Mae adolygiad eang o sut mae Cyngor Caerdydd yn helpu pobl ifanc drwy waith ieuenctid wedi cynnig amrywiaeth o newidiadau i dimau Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid yr awdurdod.
09 November 23
Exciting changes proposed in provision of Youth Work Services in Cardiff Image
A wide-ranging review of how Cardiff Council helps young people through youth work has proposed a range of changes to the authority’s Youth Service teams.
09 November 23
Jobs and Skills Fair  Dear Sir/Madam,  We hope this email finds you well.   We are writing to share an exciting press release regarding the Jobs and Skills Fair on 10th November, which is being organised in partnership wi
09 November 23
Sustainability on tap: Meet Billi UK, WHA’s new member Image
 Sustainability on tap Meet Billi UK, The WHA’s (Water Dispenser and Hydration Association)’s newest member.
09 November 23
£150 energy payments are going unclaimed Image
 £150 energy payments are going unclaimedA slow down in applications for the Park Homes Warm Home Discount scheme in Scotland has prompted scheme administrator Charis to reach out to residents and rem
09 November 23
LACA yn cyflwyno dwy Wobr Cymru i Wasanaeth Arlwyo Addysg Caerdydd Image
Mae Gwasanaeth Arlwyo Addysg Cyngor Caerdydd wedi cael ei gydnabod am ei ymroddiad, ei arloesedd a'i gyfraniad rhagorol at y sector arlwyo ysgolion.
09 November 23