The essential journalist news source
Vasque builds European Network - Press Release The iconic American boot brand Vasque is working with its exclusive agent in the UK, Northcol to help set up a Europe wide network of agents to represent the brand.
08 May 24
Plumbing Supplies Manufacturer Makes Another Splash With Paddleboarding Sponsorship Image
Staffordshire-based expansion vessel manufacturer, Zilmet UK, will be sponsoring the region's esteemed paddleboarding competition, the Trent100, for the seventh consecutive year.
08 May 24
41230 Yuki Hospital project Yuki Hospital project highlights Haddonstone's global appeal Haddonstone has supplied creative cast stone products for health sector projects in the past; and a major contract has recently seen the company involved in meeting major technical and logistic
07 May 24
Welsh Slate stars in London’s very first nature-driven hotel experience Countertops from Welsh Slate feature at the award-winning 1 Hotel Mayfair
07 May 24
2,500 o wirfoddolwyr yn helpu coedwig ddinesig Caerdydd i dyfu 30,000 o ran ei maint Image
Heriodd 2,500 o wirfoddolwyr cymunedol un o'r gaeafau gwlypaf a gofnodwyd erioed er mwyn helpu i blannu 30,000 o goed mewn dim ond 6 mis, fel rhan o brosiect i greu coedwig ddinesig yng Nghaerdydd.
07 May 24
2,500 volunteers help Cardiff’s urban forest grow 30,000 trees bigger Image
2,500 community volunteers braved one of the wettest winters on record to help plant 30,000 trees in just 6 months, as part of a project to create an urban forest in Cardiff.
07 May 24
Agor Ysgol Gynradd newydd sbon yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Llaneirwg yn swyddogol Image
Mae Ysgol Gynradd yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Llaneirwg wedi dathlu agoriad swyddogol ei hadeilad newydd sbon gwerth £6m yn ystod digwyddiad arbennig ym mhresenoldeb Arweinydd Cyngor Caerdydd, y Cynghorydd Huw Thomas a'r Dirprwy Arweinydd a'r Aelod Cabinet dro
07 May 24
The brand-new St Mellons Church in Wales Primary School is officially opened Image
St Mellons Church in Wales Primary School has celebrated the official opening of its brand new £6m school building during a special event in the presence of Cardiff Council Leader, Cllr Huw Thomas and Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education, Cllr
07 May 24
ASWS renovates steel window frontage to Edgware Road events venue Image
As one of the capital's busiest and most vibrant arteries, renovating the ageing steel windows within the frontage to a very popular events venue on the Edgware Road posed particular challenges for metal window specialist, ASWS.
07 May 24
Y newyddion gennym ni - 07/05/24 Image
Prosiect celf lleol yn creu cwtsh darllen newydd i'r ysgol; Arweinydd Cyngor Caerdydd yn cyhoeddi ad-drefniant i'r Cabinet; Galiwn o Sbaen i lanio ym Mae Caerdydd; Celf wal newydd ar gyfer Stryd Tudor lliwgar; ac fwy
07 May 24
News that you might have missed - 07/05/24 Image
Local art project makeover creates school's new cwtsh darllen; Cardiff Council leader announces Cabinet reshuffle; Spanish galleon to dock in Cardiff Bay; New wall art for colourful Tudor Street; and more
07 May 24
Sigala Announced to Join James Arthur In Swansea Sigala Announced to Join James Arthur In Swansea
07 May 24
Prosiect celf lleol yn creu cwtsh darllen newydd i’r ysgol Image
Mae hen ardal ystafell gotiau lom mewn ysgol gynradd yng Nghaerdydd wedi cael ei thrawsnewid yn hafan ddarllen, diolch i ymdrechion ar y cyd gan dîm Gwasanaethau Gofalu y Cyngor, athrawon ac artistiaid gwirfoddol.
07 May 24
Local art project makeover creates school’s new cwtsh darllen Image
A tired and shabby cloakroom area in a Cardiff primary school has been transformed into a reading haven, thanks to the joint efforts of the Council's Caretaking Services team, teachers and volunteer artists.
07 May 24
41515 Lifespan buildings We need to look at lifespans, not one-use buildingsDavid Connacher, Marketing Manager at West Fraser, discusses the need to design and construct buildings that can be adapted and transormed.
07 May 24
Legendary rock band Monster Magnet announce 35th anniversary tour LEGENDARY ROCK BAND MONSTER MAGNET ANNOUNCE 2024 TOUR DATES TO CELEBRATE 35th ANNIVERSARY   
07 May 24