The essential journalist news source
41082 PETROC college West Fraser encourages future carpenters  West Fraser is sponsoring the carpentry department at PETROC college in North Devon. The department, which provides courses for those aged 16 right up to mature students, will be supported with donations of Sterl
22 September 23
World Alzheimer's Month and Publication Day for Important Read - Mirror Mirror Hello,Today is Publication Day for MIRROR, MIRROR An important read ahead of World Alzheimer's Month in September, and World Alzheimer's Day on 23rd September. With the recent news that Ken Livingston
22 September 23
MIRRORS Festival Adds More Names to its Line-up Image
MIRRORS, the one-day festival renowned for bringing forward-thinking new music to beloved venues in the heart of Hackney, has revealed a further seven exciting artists to its October 2023 line-up.
22 September 23
Blwyddyn hanesyddol i'r Arglwydd Faer yn dod â llawenydd i Cŵn Tywys Cymru Image
Yn ôl unrhyw safonau, gallai'r flwyddyn y treuliodd y Cynghorydd Graham Hinchey fel Arglwydd Faer Caerdydd gael ei hystyried yn wirioneddol ryfeddol.
22 September 23
Historic year for Lord Mayor brings joy for Guide Dogs Cymru Image
By any standards, the year Cllr Graham Hinchey spent as Cardiff’s Lord Mayor could be classed as truly remarkable.
22 September 23
Never Out of Mind service of remembrance Image
A service of remembrance is being held to remember and honour all those who have given their lives in public duty.
22 September 23
Adfer Marchnad Caerdydd Image
Gallai cynigion ar gyfer adfer adeilad hanesyddol Rhestredig Gradd II* Marchnad Ganolog Caerdydd
21 September 23
The restoration of Cardiff Market Image
Proposals for a significant restoration of Cardiff’s historic Grade II* Listed Central Market
21 September 23
Social Services Annual Report Image
Cardiff Council’s annual Social Services report has outlined some of the key achievements of staff, partners, and carers in the city over the past 12 months.
21 September 23
Adroddiad Blynyddol y Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Image
Mae adroddiad blynyddol Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cyngor Caerdydd wedi amlinellu rhai o lwyddiannau allweddol staff, partneriaid a gofalwyr yn y ddinas dros y 12 mis diwethaf.
21 September 23
Sesiynau Diwydiant Sŵn Image
Sŵn 2023 yn datgelu Sesiynau Diwydiant: cyfuniad o arloesi a chanllawiau ymarferol i oleuo a bywiogi'r sin gerddoriaeth Gymraeg.
21 September 23
Sŵn Industry Sessions Image
Sŵn 2023 presents Industry Sessions: a programme of innovation, technology and practical support to discuss, demystify and inspire the music sector in Wales.
21 September 23
Utopia expands its range of stylish LED table lamps Image
 Illuminating versatility Utopia expands its LED table lamps collection with the Standard range Utopia has extended its choice of upscale LED table lamps with the launch of its Standard range. 
21 September 23
Fourth Diverse Book Awards Shortlist Announced Press release - Embargoed until 1pm (UK time) on Thursday 21st September 2023  Fourth Diverse Book AwardsShortlist AnnouncedPLUS New Malorie Blackman Impact Award IntroducedIntroducing the latest, mus
21 September 23
Mae Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid Caerdydd yn creu DYDDiau Da o Haf i gannoedd o bobl ifanc Image
Mae rhaglen 'DYDDiau Da o Haf' Caerdydd wedi rhoi chwe wythnos o weithgareddau, digwyddiadau a phrofiadau i gannoedd o bobl ifanc, gan roi cyfle iddynt wneud ffrindiau newydd a rhoi cynnig ar bethau newydd.
21 September 23
Cardiff Youth Service makes it a summer with a ‘DIFF'erence for hundreds of young people Image
Cardiff's ‘Summer with a DIFF'erence' programme has provided hundreds of young people with six weeks of activities, events and experiences, giving them the opportunity to make new friends and try new things.
21 September 23