The essential journalist news source
Grantiau cyngor yn helpu gyrwyr tacsi Caerdydd i dorri allyriadau Image
Os byddwch yn cael tacsi yng Nghaerdydd heddiw, gallai eich taith fod yn lanach ac yn wyrddach oherwydd cynllun gan Gyngor Caerdydd sydd wedi darparu mwy na £200,000 o grantiau
18 February 25
Council grants help Cardiff taxi drivers cut emissions Image
Get a taxi in Cardiff today and your trip could now be cleaner and greener due to a Cardiff Council scheme which has provided more than £200,000 of grants to enable the city’s taxi drivers to upgrade to more fuel efficient or fully electric vehicles.
18 February 25
Meet Giulietta - The perfect blend of style and versatility Image
Introducing Giulietta, the latest addition to the KönigQuartz range of surfaces, designed to complement today's contemporary-styled interiors.
17 February 25
Four years on and Keller's carbon farming initiative is flourishing Image
In 2021, Keller Kitchens joined forces with farmers' organisation, ZLTO, and two carbon farmers near to the Group's Bergen op Zoom factory with the aim of capturing CO2 from the atmosphere which is then processed naturally and stored into farm land soil
17 February 25
41852 First Processing Industries apprenticeship completed within West Fraser Image
First Processing Industries apprenticeship within West Fraser
17 February 25
Black is back in the bathroom Image
Thomas Crapper has designed a stunning range of black tiles, allowing you to recreate that lavish spa-like ambience at home.
17 February 25
Cloakroom glamour from Thomas Crapper Image
Pictured is the Viceroy close coupled WC set in white from Thomas Crapper. This set is the perfect blend of classic design and modern craftsmanship; for a stylish, functional bathroom.
17 February 25
Dweud eich dweud - Mae Ymarfer Ymgysylltu Pythefnos am Leoedd Diogel i Barcio Beiciau yn Dechrau Heddiw Image
Mae ymarfer ymgysylltu pythefnos wedi dechrau heddiw - gan ofyn i'r holl feicwyr am eu barn ar gyfleusterau diogel i barcio beiciau yn y ddinas.
17 February 25
Have Your Say - Two Week Engagement on Secure Cycle Parking Starts Today Image
A two-week engagement exercise has started today - asking all cyclists for their views on secure cycle parking in the city.
17 February 25
Ocean Colour Scene set to rock North Wales OCEAN COLOUR SCENE SET TO ROCK NORTH WALES WITH LIVE SHOW ANNOUNCED AT VENUE CYMRU! With special guests Echobelly and Pastel
17 February 25
News that you might have missed - 17/02/25 Image
Travel advice for Wales vs Ireland on 22 February in Cardiff; Bike scheme helping children in low-income families choose active travel to get to school; Opportunity to have your say on Cardiff's Ambitious Green Replacement Development Plan; and more
17 February 25
Top 3 most expensive charity insurance claims in 2024 Image
  WRS Insurance Brokers - Press ReleaseFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE17th February 2025 Click here for an image - Top charity claims pic  Top 3 Most Expensive Charity Insurance Claims in 2024 RevealedWRS Insur
17 February 25
Y newyddion gennym ni - 17/02/25 Image
Cyngor teithio ar gyfer Cymru yn erbyn Iwerddon ar 22 Chwefror yng Nghaerdydd; Cynllun beics yn helpu plant mewn teuluoedd incwm isel i ddewis teithio llesol i'r ysgol; ac fwy
17 February 25
41911 Plinths Saracens and West Ham Haddonstone supporting sporting greats The William Webb Ellis statue at Saracens Rugby Club supported by Haddonstone's bespoke pedestal As an specialist in the design and manufacture of high-quality cast stone structures, Haddonstone takes pride in the c
14 February 25
Y Diweddariad: 14 Chwefror 2025 Image
Cymorth a chyfeillgarwch i bobl sy’n gofalu; Pwll nofio newydd yng Nghanolfan Hamdden Pentwyn; Rhoi barn ar Gynllun Datblygu Lleol newydd Caerdydd; Gŵyl Llên Plant Caerdydd 2025
14 February 25
The Update: 14 February 2025 Image
Support and friendship for people with caring responsibilities; New swimming pool at Pentwyn Leisure Centre; Have your say on Cardiff's Replacement Development Plan; Cardiff Children’s Literature Festival 2025
14 February 25