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Smart Store from Prime Vision: new system tracks parcel status


Gathering evidence about the real condition and shape of parcels - and any special labels - has never been more important. What is the real parcel mix? How many parcels suffer damage at a particular hub? How many parcels contain hazardous materials? Getting accurate answers to these questions can help to optimise operations, drive efficiencies and save costs, but the process has thus far been complex to implement on an organisation-wide basis. Computer Vision expert Prime Vision has designed a new system that can distribute workloads across a supply chain and gather global information, making artificial intelligence for postal operations more accessible and scalable than ever before. 

Prime Vision's Smart Store is a hybrid system that leverages and complements image intelligence to deliver maximum impact across entire postal operations. The system goes way beyond answering operational questions by gathering, processing, and aggregating every parcel's key results in a central control hub to gain a snapshot of the whole network. 

The Smart Store provides operations managers with a new tool to compare the performance of sorting centres and key metrics across suppliers. The system converts the results of vision systems into global observations, brings more visibility to entire sorting operations, analyses the sorting mix and obtains evidence-based insights into partner retailers. It is also possible to share sensitive data securely across operations, empowering different departments. 

For any company struggling to maximise the value of ML (machine learning) solutions, the Smart Store provides a practical and cost-effective means of converting advanced AI into actionable insights.