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Annual Social Services Report Highlights Significant Progress Amid Ongoing Challenges


Cardiff Council's Annual Social Services report 2023/24 has outlined substantial progress across key areas despite facing high demand for services and complex challenges throughout the past year. The report demonstrates the Council's continued commitment to improving the lives of residents, with notable achievements in both Children's and Adult Services.

Among the key highlights is the successful implementation of the Accommodation Strategy within Children's Services, which has improved placement sufficiency. In Adult Services, the continued rollout of the Ageing Well Strategy has delivered positive outcomes for older residents, with an increasing range of community well-being activities on offer.

Despite ongoingdemand for services,budgetary pressures and an increasing complexity of needs, the report highlights several other important achievements, including:

Children's Services

  • Expansion of Family Support provision to include out of hours support
  • New online Early Help referral form and registration process for quicker access to information, advice and assistance
  • Cardiff named the UK's first child friendly city which reinforces the ambition and commitment to children and young people across the city


Adult Services

  • Community Hubs delivered 1,514 events to support people to remain connected and stay social, with 16,779 participants
  • Our Care Hubs delivered 7,599 day care sessions during the year, with 45,270 hours of care being delivered
  • 44 hospital discharges with care were supported each week on average
  • Addison House Community Living Scheme apartments opened for older residents promoting independent living, the first of 10 that are being delivered through the programme
  • 177 citizens accessed the well-being Mentor Service operated by our Community Hub Service


Social Services

  • 93,836 meals delivered by Meals on Wheels throughout the year
  • 1,366 people registered with Cardiff Cares Academy since October 2021, with 93 new carers helped into a job in 2023-24



Commenting on the report, Cllr Ash Lister, Cabinet Member for Social Services, covering Children's Services, said: "The incredible progress that's been made despite ongoing challenges is testament to all of our staff and partners for their continued incredible work in supporting the most vulnerable people in our city."

"Shifting the balance of care continues to be our aim and we are focusing our efforts to ensure that the right services are provided by the right people at the right time,so that all individuals in our community receive the care they deserve."

Cllr Leonora Thomson, Cabinet member, with responsibility for Adult Services, added: "This year's report reflects the dedication and resilience of our teams and our commissioned care providers in providing high-quality care and support to the people of Cardiff. Despite facingongoing budgetary and resource challenges, we have continued to make progress in delivering critical services and strategies that make a real difference in people's lives. The Council remains focused on further improving its services, working to meet growing demands and ensuring that all residents have access to the support they require."

The report was discussed and agreed at the Council's Cabinet committee meeting today. The full report is available to view nowhere