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Democracy Ambassador Programme success for Cardiff primaries


Two Cardiff primary schools have scooped a prize of £100 each for their participation in Cardiff Council's Democracy Ambassador Programme.


Ysgol Gymraeg Melin Gruffydd in Whitchurch and St David's Church in Wales Primary School, Pentwyn have been successful in the programme organised by the Electoral Services team to support primary and secondary schools in the city to learn more about local democracy.


Teachers across the city were invited to sign up as Democracy Ambassadors, to gain access to a wide range of resources and ideas to engage pupils and students, Continued Professional Development training and ongoing support from the Electoral Services team. 


Ysgol Melin Gruffydd and St David's primary were among 19 schools -  17 primaries and two secondary schools, that took part in the programme over the past school year.


The programme has included visits to County Hall where pupils have learned about voting and elections, how the Council makes decisions and met the Lord Mayor while local councillors have visited participating schools to explain their role and answer questions posed by the children.

The initiative has also included lessons, assemblies and workshops on local democracy and how everyone can be involved in the process.


Ysgol Melin Gruffydd and St David's primary were chosen as winners in the prize draw that schools entered by signing up to the programme before last October. The £100 prize can be spent on resources to help teach about elections and democracy, school trips to the Senedd or equipment to enable schools to hold their own elections.


Cllr Bablin Molik, who was Lord Mayor of Cardiff at the time of the schools' visits to County Hall, said: "Congratulations to Ysgol Melin Gruffydd and St David's Primary on their win! We  have been really pleased with schools' engagement in the programme this year. There's been a lot of fun had, while learning about a really important topic.


"Teachers have told us the programme has been very worthwhile, and that the knowledge gained and experiences their pupils have had over the course of the programme will not only improve the pupil voice in their schools, but also support the children in becoming more engaged citizens as they grow."


Registration for the 2024/25 Democracy Ambassador Programme is now open.

Primary schools can sign up here: while secondary schools can register here


For more information about the programme, email