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Council launches new consultation document to tackle inequality in Cardiff

Cardiff Council has published a comprehensive new consultation document outlining how it plans to tackle inequality in the city over the next four years.

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy (2024-2028) is designed to explain the measures that the authority is embracing to ensure its aim of a 'Stronger, Fairer, Greener' Cardiff is achieved.

A report on the consultation approved by the Council's Cabinet yesterday (May 23) stresses that creating a 'Fairer' city means "ensuring that the many great opportunities of living in Cardiff can be enjoyed by everyone, whatever their background, where those suffering from disadvantage are supported and where every citizen is valued and feels valued."

It also outlines that the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED), which came into force in 2011, ensures the following characteristics are protected:

  •  Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race – including ethnic or national origin, colour or nationality
  • Religion or belief, including lack of religion or belief
  • Sex, and
  • Sexual orientation

The PSED also requires councils to publish objectives at least every four years and to publish a statement detailing the steps it has taken or intends to take to meet them, including tackling any gender pay gap.

Cllr Julie Sangani, the lead Cabinet Member for Public Health and Equalities, said Cardiff already had a proud history of promoting equality and diversity. "We are the most ethnically diverse local authority in Wales and one of the oldest ethnically diverse communities in Britain, with more than 100 languages spoken here.

"We also rank as the top city in Europe for immigrants and families with young children and we are a top 10 city for members of the LGBTQ+ community to live.

"Like all UK cities, however, we face instances of long-standing and deep-rooted inequality. Some residents face barriers to living full and active lives and more needs to be done to ensure that no-one experiences discrimination of any kind because of who they are.

"The patterns of poverty and inequality that emerged a generation ago remain, having been compounded by the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis. Closing the inequality gap will require the ongoing delivery of excellent education, creating jobs that provide opportunities for progression and delivering sustainable housing solutions which meet the needs of all, as well as reducing health inequalities."

The Council has already established good practices towards improving equality, including:

  •  Establishing the Race Equality Taskforce
  • Becoming the highest ranked authority in Wales and the UK in the Stonewall index, highlighting its commitment to supporting LGBTQ+ staff and customers
  • Achieving UNICEF Child-Friendly City status, and
  • Leading a city-wide response to welcoming refugees and asylum-seekers

Now, to develop the draft strategy for 2024-28, the Council has undertaken a comprehensive series of assessments, reviewed local and national action plans and engaged with major stakeholders in the city and outlined a five key objectives:

  •  A Fairer Cardiff – We will reduce inequality and support everyone in Cardiff to fulfil their potential
  • An Accessible Cardiff – We will work to ensure everyone can take part in all Cardiff has to offer, regardless of background or circumstance
  • An Inclusive Cardiff – We will make Cardiff a city where differences are understood and celebrated, and where all communities feel like they belong
  • A Council that reflects its communities – We will make Cardiff Council a more inclusive organisation which reflects the diversity of the people we serve, and where employees are confident to be themselves and are empowered to progress, and
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at the heart of the organisation – We will ensure that Cardiff Council's core processes support equality, diversity and inclusion

The Council is now seeking the views of Cardiff residents on the draft Strategic Equality Plan for 2024-28 to help ensure a fairer city for all our residents. For more details, visit: The consultation will be launched on June 3 and will run for 6 weeks, closing on July 14.