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Woodlands High School pupils win Minecraft Esports competition!


A team of pupils from Woodlands High School have been crowned the ALN (Additional Learning Needs) Minecraft Esports Champions of South Wales after a close competition held at the Principality Stadium.

The Woodlands Esports Team made it to the final which challenged them to build virtual environments based on themes such as Welsh myths and the Six Nations.


Involving special schools from across South Wales, the team of 10 learners from Woodlands in Years 10 to 14 reached an intense final showdown against Trinity Fields Schoolfrom Hengoedwhere they created the Six Nations in Minecraft.


The Minecraft Esports Cymru competition is a collaboration between Hwb, Minecraft and WRU and each match was judged by experienced professionals from Hwb, the WRU and Esports Wales.


Woodlands High School, which ispart of the Western Learning Federation,now has a dedicated Minecraft page on its website, where students can showcase their creations through screenshots and walkthrough videos. The aim is to encourage further creativity and innovation beyond traditional boundaries, empowering students to explore limitless possibilities.

Head of School of Woodlands, Sian Thomas, said: "We are thrilled at winning the Minecraft Esports competition! Woodlands has been using Minecraft since Christmas with almost every class becoming involved through their topic work.

"The competition has boosted their collaboration and teamwork and developed confidence and leadership skills for those who show promise in this area of skills development."

Deputy Leader for Cardiff and Cabinet Member for Education, Cllr Sarah Merry said: "Well done for this fantastic achievement! This initiative is a wonderful opportunity for young people of all abilities to work together, as a team using digital and creative skills that will engage them and prepare them for the future."

Bianca Rees Chair of Governors of the Western Learning Federation said: "I'm really pleased that this opportunity was available to young people with additional learning needs and to come out as champions is the icing on the cake! These are important skills for our pupils' futures, in a world where technology is at the fore. Who knows what doors this will open for them."