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Local school children gain hands-on learning experience at Tŷ Glas demolition site.

May 21, 2024


The demolition site at the former HMRC office buildings in TŷGlas Llanishen,is providing children from local schools with a unique opportunity to learn about and experience the live demolition process.

Hosted by Erith, the demolition contractor chosen to undertake the works, pupils from Christ the King Primary School, Ysgol Y Wern and Llanishen High School have enjoyed bespoke visits to the site where they have observed the impressive high reach demolition in action, engaged in discussions with senior members of the demolition team and viewed presentations to complement their in-class learning experiences. Areas covered have included local history, demolition, recycling of materials, environmental aspects and planning procedures, as well as career insights into demolition.

Christ the King Primary School Headteacher, Brenda Miles, said: "Our visit to the Tax Office site atTŷGlaswas part of our studies about the local area. As an Eco Platinum Flag school, we were interested in finding out how the demolished materials are going to be disposed of and were pleased to find out that they are going to be recycled as aggregate for future building works."

Ysgol Y Wern Headteacher, Moira Kellaway said: "It was a wonderful opportunity for our pupils to see firsthand what's happening on site in their local area and being able to discuss a topical event or issue. It certainly has fostered an interest among the pupils and extended their knowledge of changes happening in their locality."

Deputy Leader for Cardiff and Cabinet Member for Education, Cllr Sarah Merry said: "It's important that we involve young people in the transformation of their local surroundings and this scheme is a fantastic way to engage eager young minds. As the UK's first UNICEF Child Friendly City, it's our priority to include young people in the projects that we undertake, especially when they have an impact on the future of their area.

"These exciting opportunities deepen students' understanding of local history, demolition techniques, and the importance of recycling material whilst ensuring that they aren't just spectators, but active participants in the reshaping of their community."

These educational initiatives are part of Erith's commitment to social values. Other schools have already attended sessions on site and as the project continues, Erith looks forward to welcoming more schools this spring, including Greenhill and Cardiff & Vale College.

Work began on theTŷGlassite in June 2023 and is currently due to finish in the autumn.

Plant ysgol lleol yn cael profiad dysgu ymarferol ar safle dymchwel Tŷ Glas.


Mae'r safle dymchwel yn hen adeiladau swyddfa CThEF yn NhŷGlas yn Llanishenyn rhoi cyfle unigryw i ddisgyblion ysgolion lleol ddysgu am a phrofi proses o ddymchwel byw.

Dan ofal Erith, y contractwr dymchwel a ddewiswyd i ymgymryd â'r gwaith, mae disgyblion o Ysgol Gynradd Crist y Brenin, Ysgol y Wern ac Ysgol Uwchradd Llanisien, wedi mwynhau ymweliadau pwrpasol â'r safle lle maent wedi gweld y gwaith dymchwel adeilad uchel trawiadol ar waith, wedi cynnal trafodaethau ag uwch aelodau'r tîm dymchwel ac wedi gweld cyflwyniadau i ategu eu profiadau dysgu yn y dosbarth. Mae'r ardaloedd dan sylw wedi cynnwys hanes lleol, dymchwel, ailgylchu deunyddiau, agweddau amgylcheddol a gweithdrefnau cynllunio, yn ogystal â mewnwelediad gyrfaol i ddymchwel.

Dywedodd Brenda Miles, Pennaeth Ysgol Gynradd Crist y Brenin: "Roedd ein hymweliad â safle'r Swyddfa Dreth ynNhŷGlasyn rhan o'n hastudiaethau am yr ardal leol. Fel ysgol Baner Platinwm Eco, roedd gennym ddiddordeb mewn darganfod sut y bydd cael gwared ar y deunyddiau a ddymchwelwyd, ac roeddem yn falch o weld eu bod yn mynd i gael eu hailgylchu fel agregiad ar gyfer gwaith adeiladu yn y dyfodol."

Dywedodd Pennaeth Ysgol y Wern, Moira Kellaway: "Roedd yn gyfle gwych i'n disgyblion weld drostynt eu hunain beth sy'n digwydd ar y safle yn eu hardal leol a gallu trafod digwyddiad neu fater amserol. Yn sicr, mae wedi meithrin diddordeb ymhlith y disgyblion ac wedi ehangu eu gwybodaeth am newidiadau sy'n digwydd yn eu hardal leol."

Dywedodd y Cynghorydd Sarah Merry, Dirprwy Arweinydd Cyngor Caerdydd, a'r Aelod Cabinet dros Addysg:  "Mae'n bwysig ein bod yn cynnwys pobl ifanc wrth drawsnewid eu hamgylchedd lleol ac mae'r cynllun hwn yn ffordd wych o ymgysylltu â meddyliau ifanc brwd. Fel Dinas sy'n Dda i Blant UNICEF gyntaf y DU, ein blaenoriaeth yw cynnwys pobl ifanc yn y prosiectau rydym yn eu cynnal, yn enwedig pan fyddant yn cael effaith ar ddyfodol eu hardal.

"Mae'r cyfleoedd cyffrous hyn yn dyfnhau dealltwriaeth myfyrwyr o hanes lleol, technegau dymchwel, a phwysigrwydd ailgylchu deunydd tra'n sicrhau nad gwylwyr yn unig ydyn nhw, ond yn gyfranogwyr gweithredol wrth ail-lunio eu cymuned."

Mae'r mentrau addysgol hyn yn rhan o ymrwymiad Erith i werthoedd cymdeithasol. Mae ysgolion eraill eisoes wedi mynychu sesiynau ar y safle ac wrth i'r prosiect barhau, mae Erith yn edrych ymlaen at groesawu mwy o ysgolion y gwanwyn hwn, gan gynnwys Greenhill a Choleg Caerdydd a'r Fro.

Dechreuodd y gwaith ar safleTŷGlasym mis Mehefin 2023 ac mae disgwyl iddo orffen yn yr hydref ar hyn o bryd.