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Estyn finds Hywel Dda Primary School to be Supportive and Inclusive



During a recent inspection by Estyn, Hywel Dda Primary School has been found to stand out for its commitment to creating a caring and supportive environment where pupils' well-being is a top priority.

Inspectors from Estyn, the education inspectorate for Wales, commended the school for fostering a positive atmosphere in which nearly all pupils thrive, exhibiting enthusiasm and positive attitudes toward learning. The strong relationships between staff and pupils, as well as among pupils themselves, are seen as foundational to the school's success. Relationships with parents, carers and the community are also commended, with Estyn praising the school's extensive support for families.

The recent report highlights the school's broad and inclusive curriculum which offers pupils diverse learning experiences that expands their understanding of Wales and the wider world. A strong Welsh ethos within the school nurtures pupils' confidence in learning the Welsh language, with many developing into enthusiastic Welsh speakers. Additionally, the school's emphasis on literacy is noted for its positive impact on the development of pupils' reading skills.

The leadership team and the board of governors are praised for their effective and rigorous approach to addressing school priorities. The report acknowledges that governors work closely with school leaders to support their efforts in identifying strengths and areas for improvement. The school's focus on supporting pupils' emotional and well-being, through effective interventions, is also recognised.

A positive report, the school will now look to address recommendations for areas of improvement from Estyn through its action plan. They include: working with the Local Authority to address high volumes of road-traffic during school start and end times, exploring alternative methods to manage behaviour issues to address the number of fixed-term exclusions and working to enhance the development of independent learners.


Headteacher, Karen Flynn, said, "I am very proud of our report, which praises and recognises the ongoing efforts and improvements we are making to ensure the very best for every child in the school. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of all staff to create our caring, inclusive, and vibrant school family, along with an exciting and relevant curriculum, so that pupils can thrive in all areas. Estyn have recognised the success of our commitment to ensuring high levels of wellbeing so that pupils are ready to learn and develop their skills.

"Our ethos of inclusion, community and care has been commended, with very strong support for all pupils, especially those with additional learning needs. Likewise, our work to develop as a school which is central to the community and is highly supportive of families has also been recognised as being extensive. "

Cardiff Council Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education, Cllr Sarah Merry said: "Estyn have recognised the positive work taking place at Hywel Dda Primary School and the approach to achieving continuous improvement is clear.

"It is also evident that pupil well-being is a high priority for the school, and it was pleasing to learn about the wide range of strategies and interventions used by staff to successfully support pupils with their social and emotional needs such as the ‘Seren', which provides a safe space for pupils to regulate their emotions.

"Congratulations to the head, staff and wider school community. The school will now be supported to address the recommendations from Estyn to ensure the safety and well-being of all pupils while fostering their academic and personal growth."

At the time of inspection Hywel Dda Primary School, had 454 students on roll. 65.6% of pupils are eligible for free school meals, 14.2% identified as having additional learning needs and 8.4% have English as an additional language.

Estyn's approach to inspection in schools and Pupil Referral Units across Wales no longer include summative gradings (e.g. ‘Excellent', ‘Good' or ‘Adequate') and now focus on how well providers are helping a child to learn.

The approach aligns with the personalisation of the new curriculum for Wales with inspections involving more in-person discussions, placing less emphasis on achievement data.

Estyn believe that the inspection approach will make it easier for providers to gain meaningful insights that help them to improve without the spotlight on a judgement.

To read the full report, follow this link: Hywel Dda Primary School | Estyn (