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Cardiff Council Update: 30 January 2024


Here is your Tuesday update, covering:

  • New chair announced to explore tidal energy potential in the Severn Estuary
  • Civic leaders mark Holocaust Memorial Day at solemn ceremony
  • Applications for 2024 nursery places now open

New chair announced to explore tidal energy potential in the Severn Estuary

A leading pioneer of the world's wind energy industry has been appointed to lead a cross border effort to explore the potential sustainable energy of the Severn Estuary.

The Severn Estuary has one of the highest tidal ranges in the world and has been estimated to have the potential to provide up to 7% of the UK's total energy.An official launch and first meeting of the commission is scheduled for next month.

Dr Andrew Garrad CBE, a leading pioneer of the modern wind energy industry, has been appointed as Chair of the Western Gateway's new independent commission to explore the potential of the Severn Estuary to create sustainable energy.

With one of the highest tidal ranges in the world the Severn Estuary has long been seen as a potential source of tidal energy. This new commission will bring together a range of experts to decide whether, or not, there is now a viable option for using the Severn to create sustainable energy for the UK.

Dr Garrad brings significant experience of delivering innovative renewable energy projects at scale to the commission - with knowledge of what it takes for these to be successful. 

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Civic leaders mark Holocaust Memorial Day at solemn ceremony

Religious and political leaders gathered in Cardiff this morning to mark Holocaust Memorial Day, the international commemoration to remember the millions who died in the Holocaust and in subsequent genocides around the world.

This year's theme is ‘Fragility of Freedom'. It comes 30 years since the Rwandan genocide which claimed the lives of one million Tutsis and moderate Hutus. Current conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, and the thousands of lives lost, were also uppermost in the minds of those who attended.

In a solemn service at the Temple of Peace, in Cathays, Cllr Huw Thomas, the Leader of Cardiff Council, Cardiff's Lord Mayor Cllr Bablin Molik and Wales First Minister Mark Drakeford joined the Rev Canon Stewart Lisk, the Honorary Chaplain to Cardiff Council, to honour the dead and the survivors of all genocides.

Cllr Thomas, who read a passage from Isaiah at the ceremony, said: "This year we came together in person for the first time since the pandemic to commemorate this anniversary. It is important we mark this annual occasion and poignant milestone and to reflect how carefully we can learn from these terrible events."

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Applications for 2024 nursery places now open

Applications for nursery school places are now open and parents with children who turn three between September 1, 2023, and August 31 2024, can now apply for a part-time nursery place to start in September 2024.

English and Welsh medium places are available at one of the 91 nursery classes in 88 schools across the city, including three schools with a dual stream offer. Families are encouraged to apply before the deadline of Monday 26 February 2024, to help their chance of being offered a nursery place of their choice.

To apply for a place in a community school nursery please visit  Nursery school admissions ( preferring a nursery class place at a faith-based primary school can apply directly to these schools for admission.

Cabinet Member for Education, Employment and Skills, Cllr Sarah Merry said: "Children aged three to four years are entitled to a part-time nursery place from the start of the term after they have turned three.

"In Cardiff we have more than 5,000 nursery spaces across the city providing either English and Welsh medium provision so there are plenty of options to choose from, however families are encouraged submit their applications on time to help make sure they have the best chance of being offered a preferred nursery class place."

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