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Restart planning in Education



Following Welsh Government's announcement yesterday (June 3, 2020) that schools will reopen from Monday 29, June, the Council is undertaking careful planning around a series of measures which aim to respond to the challenges and issues relating to schools and other education providers, moving out of lockdown.


Cardiff's Restart Planning report details how schools could operate following lockdown sets out a series of processes and procedures which will aim to support schools, specifically so that they can ensure the safety of staff, pupils and parents and reduce the spread of the virus by operating in physically distanced environments.


Subject to Welsh Government operational guidance which is to be issued to schools next week and alongside scientific evidence and consultation with key partners, Council measures will include:


New health & safety procedures to include space capacity assessments and risk assessments to establish volume, appropriate furniture lay-out, movement flows and external spaces.


·        Hygiene and cleaning to establish a regime for hand washing, contact point cleaning and deep cleaning of school spaces.

·        Workforce capacity assessments to ensure adequate staffing and staff preparation and support to - identify and respond to the needs of staff including virtual health & safety training

·        Identifying equipment and additional resources such as PPE and when it is required based on clear and informed advice

·        Additional support for pupils and school staff around health & well-being, for example issues around family trauma as well as mental health issues relating to isolation

·        Widening of pavements and pathways at some school sites to facilitate social distancing and prevent the need for vulnerable road users to step into the road

·        Introduction of temporary 20mph limits on roads around schools where possible and consider temporary road closures at drop-off and pick up times




Cabinet Member for Education, Employment and Skills, Cllr Sarah Merry said: "Many children across the city will be missing their friends, teachers and the routine which school provides. I also know that although many families are struggling with working from home and home educating, there will be parents and staff who have concerns about children returning to school and we will be working to address that.


"Yesterday's announcement by Welsh Government provides an opportunity for the carefully managed return of children and young people to their schools, as they check-in, catch-up and prepare for September. It does not mean that all pupils will return on June 29th. There will need to be significantly fewer pupils in school at any one time which means that for much of the week most pupils will continue to be at home.


"At the same time I welcome the news that parents will not be penalised if they do not wish their children to return at this point and that the Minister was clear that children and teachers who are shielding or living with those who are shielding are not expected to return to school at the moment."


These proposals mean that all pupils will have the opportunity to spend some time in their school before the summer break, to catch up with teachers and see first-hand how different their school experience will be with physical distancing in place and a careful regime of cleaning and contact limitation.


"We will continue to work with Welsh Government as we continue preparations for this, and we look forward to seeing the guidance which is being released next week. Over the coming weeks we will continue to support our schools, ensuring the health and wellbeing of our staff, pupils and their families, with the emphasis on building confidence and reducing anxiety."