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For excellence in craftsmanship, care and bespoke solutions for the period homes

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14 March 2025

Mitchell & Dickinson - forexcellence in craftsmanship, care and bespoke solutions for the period home

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The craftspeople atMitchell & Dickinsonhave many years' experience in carpentry and restoration. All are fully employed, trained and nurtured in-house to ensure work of the highest standards and exceptional quality is delivered.

Every period home is unique, requiring bespoke solutions to achieve the best results, and the professional team is proud to be able to provide the expertise and attention to detail to deliver this level of care and craftsmanship. 

With a network of teams located across the south of England, the teams are trained to insulate and draught-proof listed and period properties.  They can install bespokesecondary glazingto original period windows and restore, or even replace, those windows, if necessary. They also fit sustainable sheep's wool loft or underfloor insulation and sloping ceiling insulation to help make beautiful period properties warmer.

Mitchell & Dickinson is also proud to holdConstructionlineaccreditation, a recognised mark of quality that reflects the commitment to meeting the highest standards in construction. This accreditation assures customers that processes, skills and systems are independently vetted to deliver reliable and professional results every time, while ensuring environmental perspectives are considered.

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Here are somecase studiesandtestimonialsfrom happy customers.

For further information the Mitchell &Dickinson, please clickhere



Editor's note

Mitchell & Dickinson specialises in delivering bespoke insulation solutions for period homes and listed buildings in the UK.Products include a unique, advanced secondary glazing system known asCosyGlazinghigh-qualitydraught proofing for windows and doors, and specialist sheep's wool insulation for underfloor, sloping ceilings and lofts which will greatly improve the energy savings, soundproofing and ventilation. The company offers restoration services which often precede the installation of insulation measures.


One of the founding principles of Mitchell & Dickinson is to cut carbon; the carbon savings that result from the work carried out are 50 times greater than their carbon footprint which ensures Mitchell & Dickinson is a carbon-negative company.Since Mitchell & Dickinson started insulating period buildings in 2010savings from work carried to date will equate toover 100,000 tonnes of CO2e - equivalent to 800,000 flights to Paris, or 50,000 cars taken off the road for a year.


With compliments:
Taylor Alden