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41847 M Group

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March 2025

 The partnership between Haddonstone and M Group delivers beautiful exteriors

A white house with a car parked in front of itAI-generated content may be incorrect.41747 1A white house with a gardenAI-generated content may be incorrect.41847 2
Above: Private residence in Hertfordshire showing Haddonstone's Tec-Stone features in the Portland Colour

Haddonstonewas commissioned byM Group, a company which specialises in the construction of impeccable, luxury homes with classical elegance and style,to produce high-quality cast stone architectural components for a private residence in Hertfordshire. Each standard profile cast stone design was handmade to order in Haddonstone'sTecStone(wet-cast limestone) material, in classic Portland colour. An impressive bespoke portico, at the front, completely transformed the property's design, adding kerb appeal as well as practicality. The two smooth columns, with stylish Tuscan capital detail, are raised on cast stone pedestals and bases. Haddonstone also produced window surrounds, as well as copings and pier caps for the entrance gateway and garden walls. The garden room's architectural stonework comprised a door surround, copings and parapet roof. In addition, Haddonstone's bespoke square paving was chosen to complete the entranceway. Further Haddonstone columns and cornice were produced for the garden room extension to the side of the property. The rear of the property sees curved door surrounds, while further stonework included the lower and upper cornice detail, balustrading, columns, and paving. Bespoke cast stone components were also manufactured for the stunning, modern water feature, comprising copings and bullnose steps.

A brick building with a gardenAI-generated content may be incorrect.

Above: A large range of Haddonstone's cast stone architectural components on a beautiful private residence in Kent

Here Nick McCormack, MD of M Group Ltd explains how the companies work together to create amazing properties.

We have had the pleasure of working with Haddonstone for many years; the company provides high-class, quality stone at a competitive price. Throughout our partnership, their experienced team has consistently demonstrated an exceptional commitment to quality and craftsmanship that sets them apart in the industry. Haddonstone is synonymous with excellence - the attention to detail, innovative designs, and use of high-quality materials have ensured that every project we've collaborated on has met or exceeded our expectations. The durability and aesthetic appeal of their products have added significant value to our projects, earning us praise from our clients. We have always had the pleasure of working with Hayley who makes the process so easy as she is responsive, knowledgeable, and dedicated to providing excellent customer service. Haddonstone's unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction makes them an invaluable partner for M Group. 

How long have you been using Haddonstone's products?

We have worked with Haddonstone for 12 years.

Why do you use Haddonstone rather than any other supplier?

Haddonstone's wet-cast and dry-cast products are significantly better quality than the competition. The stone is crisper and sharper than other suppliers we have used in the past. We have visited the Haddonstone factory and seen the attention to detail that goes into making the moulds and producing the stone elements. Haddonstone has a great set-up, and the people are really welcoming and easy to work with.

What popular selections do you use?

We use a lot of Haddonstone products, including window surrounds, but the main product is porticos. We're gradually persuading our clients to go with wet-cast rather than the semi dry-cast as it is sharper and it's harder and, therefore, more durable. Wet-cast is the future in our eyes.

Have you noticed any recent style trends?

Not really, because most of the work we do is traditional, classical architecture. The large mock-Georgian houses are still very sought-after.

Who specifies products for the properties you work on? Is it the architect or the homeowner?

Sometimes it is an architect, but mainly the client has the final choice as they have a vision of how they want their property to look. We show clients the Haddonstone brochure, and they select from there.

For further information, call01604 770711or


With Compliments: 
Taylor Alden 

Haddonstone is a trusted specialist in the design and manufacture of architectural and garden stonework. The ranges comprise cast stone architecture for residential and commercial projects, and beautiful formal and informal garden, home and landscape products.

All products are made to order in Northamptonshire and are available in both standard and bespoke designs. Stunning Show Gardens are located in East Haddon, near to the manufacturing facility.