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Winterhalter MT dishwasher’s modular system is incredibly flexible
 Modular magic: Winterhalter’s MT dishwasher is amazingly adaptable

Conveyor systems give designers new level of spatial flexibility

One of the big problems with big conveyor dishwasher systems is that each one is bespoke – and once they’re built, they’re set, with limited options for change.  Winterhalter’s new MT conveyor systems have changed all that: their modular system is incredibly adaptable, so they can fit any space or application, giving designers a new level of footprint flexibility.  And even after they are installed they can be easily restructured, by retrofitting additional modules, to keep up with a site’s changing circumstances. 

There are two types of MT system, the MT Flight (MTF) dishwashers, where dirties are loaded straight onto the conveyor, and the MT Rack (MTR), where they are put into racks on the conveyor.  

The basic structure of a MT system consists of the pre-wash, main wash, rinse and drying zones (or modules), plus an inlet zone, positioned upstream, plus the loading and unloading areas.  So that designers can specify their perfect machine, Winterhalter offers a range of additional modules, such as extra wash or drying zones, allowing the machine to be tailored to individual requirements.

Winterhalter has also developed ‘neutral’ modules that can be positioned between operational zones (prewash, wash, rinse and drying).  They extend the distance between the zones, meaning the MT can accept extra-large wash items, such as crates or containers.  By creating balance between the zones, the neutral modules also enhance the performance of the MT. 

The ability to retrofit new modules into an established machine is a massive benefit.  These big conveyor systems can have a service life of decades, over which period the business’s needs are likely to change.  Using new crockery that’s tricky to dry?  Expand the drying zone.  The business grows and capacity needs to increase?  Add an extra wash zone.  Since modules are connected with silicone-free gaskets, installation (considering the size and complexity of the systems) is easy and quick. 

As well as the machine itself, a conveyor system will need an inlet table leading to the machine and an outlet roller table at the end.  MT systems can be specified with either straight or corner versions for both.  

“We’ve dubbed the MT a ‘gamechanger’ and the flexibility of the design concept justifies that 100%,” says Paul Crowley, marketing development manager for Winterhalter UK.  “Whatever the space, whatever the requirements, we can deliver an MT to fit – and when your business changes, your MT can change, too.” 

MT conveyor systems can handle up to 8,000 plates (MTF) or 355 racks (MTR) per hour.  List prices for a complete system start at around £51,000. 

Winterhalter provides a total solution for dishwashing and glasswashing, from pre-sales advice to after-sales service, training and maintenance, with sustainability fitted as standard.  Alongside its market-leading dish washers and glass washers, the company’s range includes utensil washers, advanced water treatment machines, and cleaning detergents and rinse aids.  For further details, call Winterhalter on 01908 359000, visit email


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Notes for editors

Click for more information about Winterhalter products:

-       Commercial dishwashers

-       Commercial undercounter dishwashers

-       Passthrough dishwashers

-       Commercial glasswashers

-       Commercial dishwasher detergent