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North Norfolk school’s success with Bolwick Hall tea gig
 Tea’s Up!  Norfolk school’s pupils past and present deliver Bolwick Hall’s tea service

Pupils and former pupils of Aldborough Primary School joined forces to serve tea and cakes for Bolwick Hall’s open garden on Sunday 16th June.  The Hall, in Marsham, has spectacular gardens and, on the days they are opened for charity, they attract large numbers. 

The Friends of Aldborough Primary School provided the teas for the thirsty and hungry visitors.  This year they were ably helped by pupils past and present, who served, waited, bussed and washed up with great aplomb!

Head teacher Helen Bearman said, “The children all did a wonderful job – it was especially lovely to see past pupils come back to help out with the teas.  The Friends of the School are marvelous – and of course, we are so grateful to Fisher family, the owners of Bolwick Hall, for giving us the tea gig!”  

The teas raised over £1,100, which the Friends will use to support the school, for example by paying for educational trips. 

The picture shows, from left to right, Stuart Lewis, Lila and Chloe Lewis, Erin Harward and Florence Jackson. 

Aldborough Primary School is in North Norfolk, between Aylsham and Cromer.  Visit for more information. 

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Bolwick Hall teas – Jun-24

Press contacts:

In term time: Mrs D Knight, the office, Aldborough Primary School

01263 761264 /


Alternatively: Tim Morgan, 07947 280137 or


Email: North Norfolk school’s success with Bolwick Hall tea gig