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Artificial Intelligence comes to Edinburgh Fringe: Only Human

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We're excited to introduce you to Conundrum Theatre, a professional youth theatre company from Singapore, who are bringing their show, Only Human Edinburgh Fringe this year. This show was developed by young people and, through this work and other works made by them, they seek to challenge the perception that young people's work has less value than that of adult artists.

Only Human investigates the power of artificial intelligence and imagines a near future where AI is autonomous, self-learning, and hyper aware. It shows the vulnerability, weaknesses, and foibles of humans. But it also suggests ways in which humans and robots may connect in the future.  Think Waiting for Godot meets Love Story. Conundrum Theatre is based in Singapore and the performers are made up of Singaporeans and third-culture kids from a variety of backgrounds. Their founder and Artistic Director, Claire Glenn, trained as an actor in New Zealand, before moving to Australia where she was the Artistic Director of South Australian Youth Arts Company, the Fairfax Festival, and Creative Producer of Carclew's ExpressWay Arts. Writer, Sophia Simmons, is a multi-award-winning playwright.


We'd love you to preview or review the show (or both), and if you'd like more information, interviews, photos, or review tickets, do let us know.

Warm wishes

Rachel for Conundrum 07931 736376


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Artificial Intelligence comes to Edinburgh Fringe:

 Only Human

By Sophia Simmons

Directed by Claire Glenn

Edinburgh Fringe theSpace Triplex Studio at 10:55am from 2nd-10th August.


Only Human explores a near future where two beings navigate a world dominated by human mistakes and artificial intelligence. Amid driverless cars and sentient appliances, they explore love, hate, and the blurred lines between human and machine. Audiences will laugh, weep, consider their lives, the universe, and Artificial Intelligence in this timeless AI-Human love story. Only Human was developed and performed by young people from around the world, and their different cultures and perspectives come together to produce this unique show. 


Only Human investigates relationships between humans and AI and what will happen when, in the not-too-distant future, AI becomes a feeling, living reality. The show considers themes of control, technology, discrimination, love, and connection. It touches on the way humans continue to make mistakes, and put ego above the greater good, as opposed to artificial intelligence, which is purely intentional and does not make mistakes. Only Human is performed by 12 actors ranging in age from 14-19, and spanning young people who are still at school, those who are at drama school, and those who are beginning to make their





own work in Singapore.


Of Only Human, Playwright Sophia Simmons says: "I'm always fascinated by the impending singularity of technological advancement, and how we humans are simply too stupid to know what's going to happen. We're limited by so much, our perception, our technology, our ego. We're a species in its adolescence, hurtling into life thinking we know everything. But there's so much we still don't know. And rather than get bogged down with the potential horror of it all, I prefer to lean into the stupidity and absurdism. It's not the AI that will ruin us, it's us!'


Zo, who plays uBot in Only Human says: "I feel as though exploring AI in theatre allows us to reflect on ethical considerations that involve AI. Since AI is more prevalent in our lives than ever before, performingOnly Humancan allow not only the audience, but the actors as well to reflect on autonomy and the nature of consciousness, more specifically, what it means to be human".


To buy tickets visit:Home | Edinburgh Festival Fringe (


"Itwas a truly professional and fantastic production which succeeded in addressing questions which we will all need to consider as the brave new world of artificial intelligence and robots increasingly become a part of our world and at the same time having the audience in stitches"5 ***** Glam Adelaide


"Only Human manages to balance a bleak, dystopian story through such well-timed comedy, clever audiovisuals, and props, that in spite of all the absurdity, the premise seems entirely believable" ****1/2 Serenade Files




Press contact: for more information, images, interviews, and review tickets contact Rachel Shimell, 07931 736376rachel.shimell@gmail.comor Claire Glenn, Claire


Note to Editors

Playwright: Sophia Simmons

Director: Claire Glenn

Actors:Siena Abraham, Jessie Bronkhorst, Wren Callender, Eve Chambers, Zephyr Ciocan, Ivy Gilbert, Enaya Qayyum, Hayden Roberts, Sam Secomb, Shanti Solomon, Zo Renee Tan, Maruchi White

Original Score: Adam Ritchie.

Sound: Anthony Kelly

Costume Design: Claire Glenn

Music: Adam Richie

Animation:Stu Nankivell at Blue Goanna Digital

Social Meda:  Instagram: tiktok:  facebook:www.facebook/



The full show from Australia in 2020:

Full Reviews of "Only Human" are here:

Show details: Edinburgh Fringe theSpace Triplex Studio at 10:55am for 50 minutes from 2nd-10th August. Tickets: £10 full / £8 concession


theSpaceUK Press Office / 0845557 7519