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Game-changing prostate cancer test launched in the UK

News Release - May 2024


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Game-changing prostate cancer test launched in the UK


OptimallyMe's groundbreaking new at-home ‘Prostate Plus' test is set to revolutionise early diagnosis of prostate cancer


Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, with more than 52,000 men diagnosed every year on average - that's 144 men every day.  Every 45 minutes one man dies from prostate cancer - that's more than 12,000 men every year; and 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.


OptimallyMe is the UK's leading pioneer in developing cutting-edge scientific health tests with supporting sophisticated AI analytics.  Their new ‘Prostate Plus' test will enable men to quickly and accurately test for cancer in the comfort of their own home, with a simple finger prick blood test, the only one on the market that measures three key biomarkers, unlike others that only measure one. 


This new test measures ‘Total PSA', ‘Free PSA' and (crucially) the ratio between the two.  This is key as the NHS prostate test, and other private versions, just measure Total PSA.  Anyone with an elevated Total PSA is referred for further testing including many for biopsy, which very distressing and costly to the NHS, and not always necessary.  The most accurate way to determine further treatment options is to measure both Free PSA and Total PSA, and compare the ratio.  Testing this way, especially in the comfort of your own home, can save unnecessary anxiety for the patient and costs to the NHS.

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OptimallyMe's Product Research & Developer, Mina Stanisavljevic explains: "Free PSA ranges  can vary, but generally, a higher ratio of free PSA to total PSA indicates a lower risk of prostate cancer. On the other hand, a low ratio of free PSA to Total PSA indicates a higher risk of having prostate cancer.  Rather than subjecting everyone with an elevated Total PSA to a biopsy, it is good practice to measure Free PSA in patients with a Total PSA level between 4 ng/ml and 10 ng/ml.  Studies have shown that men with a total PSA in this ‘grey area', and a free PSA greater than 25%, are more likely to have a benign condition than to have cancer, making a biopsy unnecessary.  Comparing the results of total and free PSA tests can give a far clearer idea of how likely it is that a person has prostate cancer.


"In addition, Total PSA tests on the NHS are usually only available to men 50 +.  However regular PSA testing should really begin at age 40 or 10 years before the youngest prostate cancer case in your family (for example, begin at age 35 if your father or brother received a prostate cancer diagnosis at age 45).  As with all cancers, early detection saves lives.  In addition, when prostate cancer is detected early, patients may be eligible for less invasive treatments, such as active surveillance, focal therapy, or minimally invasive surgery."


Men who use OptimallyMe's new easy, at-home blood test receive results and recommendations within 48 hours on a unique personalised, interactive AI-dashboard.  This digital dashboard is free with every OptimallyMe test and can be used to synch any wearable tech, such as Oura rings and Apple watches, to give individuals all of their health data and personalised recommendations in one place.

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For more information, please visit





Jo Welch MCIPR 44 (0) 7767 416092





Is a science-backed, 100% personalised health dashboard to help people understand and improve their health. Based on prevention rather than cure. Once tests are purchased they are delivered to people's homes where the individual takes a blood sample from a finger prick and returns the sample in the post. They receive their results in 48 hours with confidential results available on the dashboard. There are over 30 tests that benefit the entire body including general health, nutrition, sleep, fitness, conditions and more. A health assessment is available to help people decide which test is right for them.


UKAS & ISO 15189 Accredited Labs

OptimallyMe is UKCE marked and MHRA registered

OptimallyMe use the latest encryption technologies and continually assess their GDPR-compliant, so your data is in safe hands.



AI Software that enables people to take a selfie of their face to be analysed to determine their perceived aged and identify areas that can be improved. A skin questionnaire can be answered to provide tailored recommendations for skin products, lifestyle changes and more. People will gain access to a personalised dashboard to view their results. 5 selfies can be taken a week to track progre