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New President for The Recycling Association

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Celine Grant has become the new President of The Recycling Association.

She replaces Craig Curtis who has stepped down after a five-year term as President.

Colin Clarke will become the new Vice President of The Recycling Association and will take over from Celine after a two-year term.

Celine is Commercial Director at Re-Gen in Northern Ireland and has been a director there since 2004. She has served on The Recycling Association's governing Council since 2017. Colin is managing director of Winfibre, which is based in Nottingham. He too joined the Council in 2017.

Celine Grant said: "I am delighted to take over as President of The Recycling Association at a time when so much is happening in terms of legislation and regulation and the Association is growing rapidly.

"Over my two years as President, The Recycling Association will look at material quality as one of its priorities and I look forward to working with the team on that.

"I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank Craig Curtis for his time as President. He is a man of integrity that has guided and presided over The Recycling Association through difficult times including Covid, enabled the smooth transition from Simon Ellin as chief executive to Paul Sanderson, and ensured that the Association has been successful during his time as President."

Colin Clarke added: "I am honoured to become Vice President of The Recycling Association and I am looking forward to working with Celine and Paul and everybody else at The Recycling Association to drive forward the interests of the recycling sector."

Craig Curtis said: "It has been a pleasure to be President of The Recycling Association for the past five years. I will continue to be a member of the Council and support Celine and Colin wherever I can."

Contact Paul Sanderson on 07970 549536 or emailpaul.sanderson@therecyclingassociation.comfor more information.