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Charity and speakers announced for the Disruptive Franchise Awards 2024

Good morning

The Disruptive Franchise Awards are back with a stellar line up of speakers and award categories. The theme for this year is 'Inclusivity in Franchising' featuring guest speaker Jack Wells, the 'One Leg Dancer'.

All the information you need is in the press release below.

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PR Contact

Louise Bruce

Big Red Box PR


15 May 2024

Press release - for immediate release


Image attached - the finalists, winners and sponsors of the Disruptive Franchise Awards 2023


Charity and speakers announced for the Disruptive Franchise Awards 2024

Now in its second year, the Disruptive Franchise Awards, which seek to recognise UK based franchise businesses that have successfully transformed existing markets or created new ones through their disruptive strategies, products, services or approaches in their industries, have announced their chosen charity and guest speakers for the event.

The Awards, organised by Jo Middleton, founder of Franchise Business School, will take place on Tuesday 18 June 2024 at the Village Hotel Watford in Borehamwood.

The theme of the event is ‘Inclusivity in Franchising'.

Keynote speakers Anne Marie Martin, owner of children's dance franchise diddi dance and builder Jack Wells who is sometimes better known under his TikTok name of ‘The One Leg Dancer', will be giving a presentation entitled "Unlocking Inclusivity: Empowering Franchises for All". 

The pair have recently launched a podcast The Moving Mission, where they discuss the impact moving has on physical and mental health. In their presentation at the awards, they will discuss fostering inclusivity within the franchise industry, the significance of creating environments where everyone, regardless of abilities or differences, feel truly valued and practical strategies that can be implemented to create spaces that resonate with diversity and acceptance.

The second guest speaker is Maddy Alexander-Grout who will be discussing "Demystifying Neurodiversity in Franchising: Fostering Inclusivity in Your Network." An ADHD Money/Business and TikTok strategist, neurodiversity in the workplace specialist, speaker, podcaster and ex radio presenter, Maddy has ADHD, ASD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia. She is an ex-franchisor and now runs a money app for neurodivergent people. In her talk Maddy will shed light on the diverse range of neurological differences that exist among individuals. From autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to ADHD and dyslexia, she will explain how understanding neurodiversity is key to creating environments where every member of a franchise network can thrive. She will leave delegates with practical strategies to help them unlock the full potential of their franchisees and employees, fostering a culture of acceptance, empathy, and innovation.

As a not-for-profit award, the Disruptive Franchise Awards is proud to make a donation to charity from proceeds received. In 2023 they donated £1,311 for MQ Mental Health Research.

This year their chosen charity is The Limbless Association, as voted for by the public on social media and in recognition of one of this year's speakers, Jack Wells who has had his left leg amputated. Jack said: ""The closest charity to my heart is ‘The Limbless Association'. Whether they are giving support to someone due to become an amputee, someone that has recently had an amputation or people that are much further down the line, they are there. They run support groups, event days and a service, that I volunteer for, called the Volunteer Visitor where volunteer amputees are paired with a new amputee to support them in early stages of amputation and recovery."

The event will also feature students of Showtime Circus Franchise who will be entertaining delegates with aerial and stilt acrobatics, and the Your Video Team will be capturing the day's events through professional photography and videography.

Founder Jo Middleton said of the charity awards: "Entries have now closed to our 10 franchise awards and our judges are busy reading their entries and making their short-lists. I'd like to thank everyone for entering and wish them luck as they enter the judging stage. Finalists will be announced on 7thMay 2024."

She continued: "Inclusivity, diversity and particularly neurodivergence are extremely hot topics at the moment and I am genuinely excited to hear what our speakers have to say, and I hope that anyone in the franchise community, who has an interest in making their franchise a more inclusive place, will join us in June to learn from our highly experienced speakers.'

Jo ended by saying: "My thanks as ever to our sponsors, Atlas Mapping, Big Red Box PR, Darwin Gray, Pebble, Your Team Video and Zest Virtual Support and to our judges Dan Archer, founder of Visiting Angels, Anne-Marie Martin founder of diddi dance, Lee Savage, founder of Savage Martial Arts and Stacey Cann, franchisee at Daisy First Aid, without whom we could not run the awards and recognise brands and individuals who are making positive differences in the UK franchise sector."

 ENDS                                                                                                                                                 APRIL 2024


Notes to Editors

The Disruptive Franchise Awards are wholly owned and run by Franchise Business School, which is owned by Jo Middleton.

·         Contact: Jo Middleton

·         Tel: 07597 905 632

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  • The hashtag for the event is #disrupivefranchiseawards