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Winterhalter offers free advice on glasswashing
 Do your glasses sparkle?  If not, why not?

Download free guides from Winterhalter, the home of glasswashing

If glasses aren’t spotless, they should be – especially if they’re washed in a commercial glasswasher.   The experts at Winterhalter, ‘the home of glasswashing’, have put together a series of guides to help foodservice operators get the best results from their glasswashers.  There’s also information about setting up a system so that they never have to hand polish glasses after they’ve been washed. 

For all-round advice on achieving perfect glasswashing download the white paper, ‘Glasswashing in Foodservice: 9 tips for perfect glasses’.  It looks at the common problems, such as streaks; what causes them; and how to solve them.  There are several other advice articles, as well as all sorts of glasswashing information covering everything from chemicals to racks. 

And if, after all that, a visitor is still stuck, there’s contact information so they can talk directly with their local Winterhalter glasswashing expert. 

We need to stop polishing glasses...

Do you polish glasses?  Why? You don’t need to.  With the right glasswasher, the right water treatment and the right chemicals glasses will be sparkling clean, they’ll dry streak-free with no need to hand polish. “Think of the time you save and the breakages you avoid,” says Paul Crowley, marketing development manager at Winterhalter UK.  It’s also worth considering that polishing glasses is inherently unhygienic, because the cloth will transfer any contaminants to every glass it touches.    

For example, Winterhalter’s UC Excellence-i undercounter glasswasher, used with Winterhalter chemicals, guarantees sparkling glasses, with no hand polishing, straight from the machine.  Energy saving features are fitted as standard, and the VarioPower system adjusts water pressure to suit what’s being washed – from delicate wine stemware to robust water tumblers, everything gets cleaned perfectly and safely.  With no need to polish!

Check out the guides at the Home of Glasswashing now.   

Winterhalter provides a total solution for dishwashing and glasswashing, from pre-sales advice to after-sales service, training and maintenance, with sustainability fitted as standard.  Alongside its market-leading dish washers and glass washers, the company’s range includes utensil washers, advanced water treatment machines, and cleaning detergents and rinse aids.  For further details, call Winterhalter on 01908 359000, visit email

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Notes for editors

Click for more information about Winterhalter products:

-       Commercial dishwashers

-       Commercial undercounter dishwashers

-       Passthrough dishwashers

-       Commercial glasswashers

-       Commercial dishwasher detergent