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FEA now supplying electrical safety training packages designed by the IOSH
 Keeping electrical work safe with the FEA and IOSH

FEA highlight electrical safety guidance material designed by the IOSH

As part of its ongoing efforts to highlight the importance of strengthening the culture of safety around electrical equipment in the foodservice industry, the Foodservice Equipment Association has made guidance material created by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health available to download from its website.

This includes documents designed to provide operators, managers and electricians with a concise yet authoritative summary explaining the standards that need to be reached for the safe installation and maintenance of electrical equipment and their individual rights and responsibilities in relation to how those standards are met. As well as documents you can find links to training videos created by IOSH which presents the information in a simple to digest way, packed with prompts for further discussion and training opportunities.

Also featured are quizzes designed specifically for electricians and managers to help understand their level of knowledge of the issues, as well as helpful posters highlighting common issues as well as the actions that need to be taken when they are identified.

The IOSH is the world’s largest membership body for health and safety professionals, and provides advice and training in issues relating to this area for a wide range of industries at all levels, as well as providing guidance to governments, policymakers and NGOs.

“Finding ways to improve the safety of employees working on electrical equipment has been a priority for the FEA over the last few years,” says John Cunningham, chief executive of the FEA. “The material the IOSH has produced give relevant employees a solid grounding in best practice about ensuring that any electrical work is carried out in safety.”

The information can be accessed on the Electrical Safety Hub on the FEA’s website.

The Foodservice Equipment Association (FEA)is the independent, authoritative voice of the foodservice equipment industry, representing nearly 200 companies who supply, service and maintain all types of commercial catering equipment - from utensils to full kitchen schemes.  For more information on FEA visit 

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