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Solve your storage worries with Draks!

23 May 2022

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Make your storage a feature of the room

  • Storage can go beyond simply being practical. A clever way to utilise our storage is by converting into a chic and stylish element in your room. It is becoming more and more popular to display your favourite pieces as an aspect of your room's interior.
  • A fun idea for displaying your clothes is by choosing them by season or preference and rotating them accordingly. 

Use the furniture

  • Another clever storage idea for your bedroom is using your furniture for storage. Similarly, by using hidden storage under beds or chairs, you can pick pieces of furniture that are multi-functional.
  • One solution that is particularly useful is using your wardrobe or cupboard as both a storage solution and to hold a whole other purpose such as a desk or dressing table. This means it can be hidden away when needed in order to maximise the space of your master bedroom.
  • Draks' recent project in Buntingford is a perfect example of this. Draks has sought to keep up with the world's changing times where the home has had to become more than that; be it an office or a school.
  • The team cleverly crafted a solution that combines storage with work/study in the form of a "study nook".

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With compliments:

Taylor Alden Ltd
7 Bell Yard